

pub opaque type Matcher(input, match_output)


pub fn as_(
  original: Matcher(a, b),
  name: String,
) -> Matcher(a, Expression(a))
pub fn bool_literal(literal: Bool) -> Matcher(Bool, Nil)
pub fn concat_string(
  starting initial: String,
  variable variable: String,
) -> Matcher(String, Expression(a))

Match a string that starts with initial"I love gleam"))
|> case_.with_matcher(
  matcher.concat_string(starting: "I love ", variable: "thing"),
  fn(thing) {
    expression.string("I love ")
    |> expression.concat_string(thing)
    |> expression.concat_string(expression.string(" too"))
|> case_.with_matcher(matcher.variable("_"), fn(_) {
|> case_.build_expression()
|> expression.render(render.default_context())
|> render.to_string()
// -> "case \"I love gleam\" {
 \"I love \" <> thing -> \"I love \" <> thing <> \" too\"
 _ -> \"Interesting\"
pub fn error(
  err_matcher: Matcher(a, b),
) -> Matcher(Result(c, a), b)
pub fn from_constructor0(
  constructor: Constructor(a, #(), b),
) -> Matcher(a, Nil)
pub fn from_constructor1(
  constructor: Constructor(a, #(#(), b), c),
  first: Matcher(b, d),
) -> Matcher(CustomType(a, c), d)
pub fn from_constructor2(
  constructor: Constructor(a, #(#(#(), b), c), d),
  first: Matcher(b, e),
  second: Matcher(c, f),
) -> Matcher(CustomType(a, d), #(e, f))
pub fn from_constructor3(
  constructor: Constructor(a, #(#(#(#(), b), c), d), e),
  first: Matcher(b, f),
  second: Matcher(c, g),
  third: Matcher(d, h),
) -> Matcher(a, #(f, g, h))
pub fn from_constructor4(
  constructor: Constructor(a, #(#(#(#(#(), b), c), d), e), f),
  first: Matcher(b, g),
  second: Matcher(c, h),
  third: Matcher(d, i),
  fourth: Matcher(e, j),
) -> Matcher(a, #(g, h, i, j))
pub fn from_constructor5(
  constructor: Constructor(
    #(#(#(#(#(#(), b), c), d), e), f),
  first: Matcher(b, h),
  second: Matcher(c, i),
  third: Matcher(d, j),
  fourth: Matcher(e, k),
  fifth: Matcher(f, l),
) -> Matcher(a, #(h, i, j, k, l))
pub fn from_constructor6(
  constructor: Constructor(
    #(#(#(#(#(#(#(), b), c), d), e), f), g),
  first: Matcher(b, i),
  second: Matcher(c, j),
  third: Matcher(d, k),
  fourth: Matcher(e, l),
  fifth: Matcher(f, m),
  sixth: Matcher(g, n),
) -> Matcher(a, #(i, j, k, l, m, n))
pub fn from_constructor7(
  constructor: Constructor(
    #(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(), b), c), d), e), f), g), h),
  first: Matcher(b, j),
  second: Matcher(c, k),
  third: Matcher(d, l),
  fourth: Matcher(e, m),
  fifth: Matcher(f, n),
  sixth: Matcher(g, o),
  seventh: Matcher(h, p),
) -> Matcher(a, #(j, k, l, m, n, o, p))
pub fn from_constructor8(
  constructor: Constructor(
    #(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(), b), c), d), e), f), g), h), i),
  first: Matcher(b, k),
  second: Matcher(c, l),
  third: Matcher(d, m),
  fourth: Matcher(e, n),
  fifth: Matcher(f, o),
  sixth: Matcher(g, p),
  seventh: Matcher(h, q),
  eighth: Matcher(i, r),
) -> Matcher(a, #(k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r))
pub fn from_constructor9(
  constructor: Constructor(
    #(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(#(), b), c), d), e), f), g), h), i), j),
  first: Matcher(b, l),
  second: Matcher(c, m),
  third: Matcher(d, n),
  fourth: Matcher(e, o),
  fifth: Matcher(f, p),
  sixth: Matcher(g, q),
  seventh: Matcher(h, r),
  eighth: Matcher(i, s),
  ninth: Matcher(j, t),
) -> Matcher(a, #(l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t))
pub fn get_output(matcher: Matcher(a, b)) -> b
pub fn int_literal(literal: Int) -> Matcher(Int, Nil)
pub fn ok(ok_matcher: Matcher(a, b)) -> Matcher(Result(a, c), b)
pub fn or(
  first: Matcher(a, b),
  second: Matcher(a, b),
) -> Matcher(a, b)

Use either of the two matchers"hello"))
|> case_.with_matcher(
  matcher.or(matcher.string_literal("hello"), matcher.string_literal("hi")),
  fn(_) { expression.string("world") },
|> case_.with_matcher(matcher.variable("v"), fn(v) {
  expression.concat_string(v, expression.string(" world"))
|> case_.build_expression()
|> expression.render(render.default_context())
|> render.to_string()
// -> "case \"hello\" {
 \"hello\" | \"hi\" -> \"world\"
 v -> v <> \" world\"
pub fn render(matcher: Matcher(Unchecked, Unchecked)) -> Rendered
pub fn string_literal(literal: String) -> Matcher(String, Nil)
pub fn to_unchecked(
  type_: Matcher(a, b),
) -> Matcher(Unchecked, Unchecked)
pub fn tuple0() -> Matcher(#(), Nil)
pub fn tuple1(matcher: Matcher(a, b)) -> Matcher(#(a), #(b))
pub fn tuple2(
  matcher1: Matcher(a, b),
  matcher2: Matcher(c, d),
) -> Matcher(#(a, c), #(b, d))
pub fn tuple3(
  matcher1: Matcher(a, b),
  matcher2: Matcher(c, d),
  matcher3: Matcher(e, f),
) -> Matcher(#(a, c, e), #(b, d, f))
pub fn tuple4(
  matcher1: Matcher(a, b),
  matcher2: Matcher(c, d),
  matcher3: Matcher(e, f),
  matcher4: Matcher(g, h),
) -> Matcher(#(a, c, e, g), #(b, d, f, h))
pub fn tuple5(
  matcher1: Matcher(a, b),
  matcher2: Matcher(c, d),
  matcher3: Matcher(e, f),
  matcher4: Matcher(g, h),
  matcher5: Matcher(i, j),
) -> Matcher(#(a, c, e, g, i), #(b, d, f, h, j))
pub fn tuple6(
  matcher1: Matcher(a, b),
  matcher2: Matcher(c, d),
  matcher3: Matcher(e, f),
  matcher4: Matcher(g, h),
  matcher5: Matcher(i, j),
  matcher6: Matcher(k, l),
) -> Matcher(#(a, c, e, g, i, k), #(b, d, f, h, j, l))
pub fn tuple7(
  matcher1: Matcher(a, b),
  matcher2: Matcher(c, d),
  matcher3: Matcher(e, f),
  matcher4: Matcher(g, h),
  matcher5: Matcher(i, j),
  matcher6: Matcher(k, l),
  matcher7: Matcher(m, n),
) -> Matcher(#(a, c, e, g, i, k, m), #(b, d, f, h, j, l, n))
pub fn tuple8(
  matcher1: Matcher(a, b),
  matcher2: Matcher(c, d),
  matcher3: Matcher(e, f),
  matcher4: Matcher(g, h),
  matcher5: Matcher(i, j),
  matcher6: Matcher(k, l),
  matcher7: Matcher(m, n),
  matcher8: Matcher(o, p),
) -> Matcher(#(a, c, e, g, i, k, m, o), #(b, d, f, h, j, l, n, p))
pub fn tuple9(
  matcher1: Matcher(a, b),
  matcher2: Matcher(c, d),
  matcher3: Matcher(e, f),
  matcher4: Matcher(g, h),
  matcher5: Matcher(i, j),
  matcher6: Matcher(k, l),
  matcher7: Matcher(m, n),
  matcher8: Matcher(o, p),
  matcher9: Matcher(q, r),
) -> Matcher(
  #(a, c, e, g, i, k, m, o, q),
  #(b, d, f, h, j, l, n, p, r),
pub fn variable(name: String) -> Matcher(a, Expression(a))
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