
GleamyShell is a cross-platform Gleam library for executing shell commands that supports multiple targets (Erlang, Deno, and Node.js).

When to use GleamyShell?

GleamyShell provides the ability to execute shell commands on multiple targets. While this might sound amazing, supporting targets with fundamentally different concurrency models and APIs shrinks the common ground significantly.

In order to keep the public API homogenous across different targets, GleamyShell only provides synchronous bindings and a minimal API with common functionalities supported by those targets.

You should use GleamyShell if

* Feel free to open an issue on GitHub to discuss your feature request. GleamyShell aims to implement features that can provide a similar, or ideally the same behavior on all supported targets. Yours might be one of them.

The main workhorse of GleamyShell is its execute function. The remaining functions are quality-of-life features so users of this library don’t need to reach for further dependencies that often.


Getting the current username

case gleamyshell.execute("whoami", in: ".", args: []) {
  Ok(username) ->
    io.println("Hello there, " <> string.trim(username) <> "!")
  Error(Failure(output, exit_code)) ->
      "Whoops!\nError ("
      <> int.to_string(exit_code)
      <> "): "
      <> string.trim(output),
  Error(Abort(_)) -> io.println("Something went terribly wrong.")

Getting the current working directory

case gleamyshell.cwd() {
  Some(working_directory) ->
    io.println("Current working directory: " <> working_directory)
  None ->
    io.println("Couldn't detect the current working directory.")

Choosing what to do depending on the operating system

case gleamyshell.os() {
  Windows -> io.println("Doing stuff on Windows.")
  Unix(Darwin) -> io.println("Doing stuff on macOS.")
  Unix(_) -> io.println("Doing stuff on a Unix(-like) system.")


Take a look at the changelog to get an overview of each release and its changes.

Contribution Guidelines

More information can be found here.


GleamyShell is licensed under the MIT license.

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