View Source Glific.Clients.Sol (Glific v5.1.6)

Tweak GCS Bucket name based on group that the contact is in (if any)

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In the case of SOL we retrive the name of the contact is in and store and set the remote name to be a sub-directory under that name We add a contact id suffix to prevent name collisions

Create a webhook with different signatures, so we can easily implement additional functionality as needed

Link to this section Functions

@spec gcs_file_name(map()) :: String.t()

In the case of SOL we retrive the name of the contact is in and store and set the remote name to be a sub-directory under that name We add a contact id suffix to prevent name collisions

@spec webhook(String.t(), map()) :: map()

Create a webhook with different signatures, so we can easily implement additional functionality as needed