View Source Glific.Conversations.Conversation (Glific v5.1.6)

The Glific Abstraction to represent the conversation with a user. This unifies a vast majority of the glific data types including: message, contact, and tag

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Create a new conversation. A contact or a group is required for the conversation. Messages can be added later on

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: %Glific.Conversations.Conversation{
  contact: Glific.Contacts.Contact.t(),
  group: term(),
  id: term(),
  messages: [Glific.Messages.Message.t()]

Link to this section Functions

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new(contact, group, messages \\ [])

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@spec new(Glific.Contacts.Contact.t() | nil, Glific.Groups.Group.t() | nil, [
]) :: t()

Create a new conversation. A contact or a group is required for the conversation. Messages can be added later on