View Source Glific.Conversations (Glific v5.1.6)

The main Glific abstraction that exposes the data in a stuctured manner as a set of conversations. For now each contact is associated with one and only one conversation. We will keep the API simple for now, but it is likely to become more complex and will require a fair number of iterations to get right

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Adding special offset to calculate recent message based on message number

Returns the last M conversations, each conversation not more than N messages

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add_special_offset(query, arg2, limit, offset)

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@spec add_special_offset(Ecto.Query.t(), integer(), integer(), integer()) ::

Adding special offset to calculate recent message based on message number

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list_conversations(args, count \\ false)

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@spec list_conversations(map(), boolean()) :: list() | integer()

Returns the last M conversations, each conversation not more than N messages