View Source Glific.Processor.ConsumerFlow (Glific v5.1.6)

Given a message, run it thru the flow engine. This is an auxilary module to help consumer_worker which is the main workhorse

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Load the relevant state into the gen_server state object that we need to process messages

In case contact is not in optin flow let's move ahead with the regular processing.

Start a flow or reactivate a flow if needed. This will be linked to the entire trigger mechanism once we have that under control.

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@spec load_state(non_neg_integer()) :: map()

Load the relevant state into the gen_server state object that we need to process messages

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move_forward(arg, body, context, opts)

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@spec move_forward(
  {Glific.Messages.Message.t(), map()},
) :: {Glific.Messages.Message.t(), map()}

In case contact is not in optin flow let's move ahead with the regular processing.

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start_new_flow(message, body, state, opts \\ [])

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@spec start_new_flow(
  atom() | Glific.Messages.Message.t(),
) ::
  {Glific.Messages.Message.t(), map()}

Start a flow or reactivate a flow if needed. This will be linked to the entire trigger mechanism once we have that under control.