View Source GlificWeb.Plug (Glific v5.1.6)

This file and the below files have been "borrowed and modified" from triplex: The original copyright and license - MIT belong to the authors and contributors of Triplex

  • plug.ex
  • ensure_plug.ex
  • ensure_plug_config.ex
  • subdomain_plug.ex
  • subdomain_plug_config.ex
  • param_plug.ex
  • param_plug_config.ex

This module have some basic functions for our triplex plugs.

The plugs we have for now are:

  • GlificWeb.ParamPlug - loads the organization from a body or query param
  • GlificWeb.SubdomainPlug - loads the organization from the url subdomain
  • GlificWeb.EnsurePlug - ensures the current organization is loaded and halts if not

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Ensure the organization is loaded, and if not, halts the conn.

Puts the given organization as an assign on the given conn, but only if the organization is not reserved.

Global unauthorized error handler

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ensure_organization(conn, config)

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@spec ensure_organization(Plug.Conn.t(), map()) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Ensure the organization is loaded, and if not, halts the conn.

The config map/struct must have:

  • assign: the name of the assign where we must save the organization.
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put_organization(conn, organization, config)

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@spec put_organization(Plug.Conn.t(), any(), map()) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Puts the given organization as an assign on the given conn, but only if the organization is not reserved.

The config map/struct must have:

  • organization_handler: function to handle the organization param. Its return will be used as the organization.
  • assign: the name of the assign where we must save the organization.
@spec send_error(Plug.Conn.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t()

Global unauthorized error handler