View Source GlificWeb.Resolvers.Groups (Glific v5.1.6)

Group Resolver which sits between the GraphQL schema and Glific Group Context API. This layer basically stitches together one or more calls to resolve the incoming queries.

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Get the list of contact_groups filtered by args

Get count of group contacts

Get the count of groups filtered by args

Creates an contact group entry

Creates an group

Creates an user group entry

Deletes an group

Get a specific group by id

Get group info by id

Get the list of groups filtered by args

Get the list of organizations groups filtered by args

Updates an group

Get count of group users

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contact_groups(_, args, _)

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@spec contact_groups(Absinthe.Resolution.t(), map(), %{context: map()}) ::
  {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

Get the list of contact_groups filtered by args

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contacts_count(_, params, _)

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@spec contacts_count(Absinthe.Resolution.t(), map(), %{context: map()}) ::
  {:ok, integer()}

Get count of group contacts

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count_groups(_, args, _)

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@spec count_groups(Absinthe.Resolution.t(), map(), %{context: map()}) ::
  {:ok, integer()}

Get the count of groups filtered by args

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create_contact_group(_, map, _)

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@spec create_contact_group(Absinthe.Resolution.t(), %{input: map()}, %{context: map()}) ::
  {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

Creates an contact group entry

@spec create_group(Absinthe.Resolution.t(), %{input: map()}, %{context: map()}) ::
  {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

Creates an group

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create_user_group(_, map, _)

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@spec create_user_group(Absinthe.Resolution.t(), %{input: map()}, %{context: map()}) ::
  {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

Creates an user group entry

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delete_group(_, map1, map2)

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@spec delete_group(Absinthe.Resolution.t(), %{id: integer()}, %{context: map()}) ::
  {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

Deletes an group

@spec group(Absinthe.Resolution.t(), %{id: integer()}, %{context: map()}) ::
  {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

Get a specific group by id

@spec group_info(Absinthe.Resolution.t(), %{id: integer()}, %{context: map()}) ::
  {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

Get group info by id

@spec groups(Absinthe.Resolution.t(), map(), %{context: map()}) ::
  {:ok, [Glific.Groups.Group]}

Get the list of groups filtered by args

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organization_groups(_, args, _)

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@spec organization_groups(Absinthe.Resolution.t(), map(), %{context: map()}) ::
  {:ok, [Glific.Groups.Group]}

Get the list of organizations groups filtered by args

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update_group(_, map1, map2)

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@spec update_group(Absinthe.Resolution.t(), %{id: integer(), input: map()}, %{
  context: map()
}) ::
  {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

Updates an group

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users_count(_, params, _)

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@spec users_count(Absinthe.Resolution.t(), map(), %{context: map()}) ::
  {:ok, integer()}

Get count of group users