View Source GlificWeb.Resolvers.Settings (Glific v5.1.6)

Settings Resolver which sits between the GraphQL schema and Glific Settings Context API. This layer basically stitches together one or more calls to resolve the incoming queries.

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Get the count of languages filtered by args

Create a new language. Since language is a basic system data type, this operation is an upsert

Get a specific language by id

Get the list of languages filtered by args

Update language data fields

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count_languages(_, args, _)

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@spec count_languages(Absinthe.Resolution.t(), map(), %{context: map()}) ::
  {:ok, integer()}

Get the count of languages filtered by args

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create_language(_, map, _)

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@spec create_language(Absinthe.Resolution.t(), %{input: map()}, %{context: map()}) ::
  {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

Create a new language. Since language is a basic system data type, this operation is an upsert

@spec language(Absinthe.Resolution.t(), %{id: integer()}, %{context: map()}) ::
  {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

Get a specific language by id

@spec languages(Absinthe.Resolution.t(), %{required(atom()) => any()}, %{
  context: map()
}) ::
  {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

Get the list of languages filtered by args

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update_language(_, map, _)

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@spec update_language(Absinthe.Resolution.t(), %{id: integer(), input: map()}, %{
  context: map()
}) ::
  {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

Update language data fields