View Source GlificWeb.Schema (Glific v5.1.6)

This is the container for the top level Absinthe GraphQL schema which encapsulates the entire Glific Public API. This file is primarily a container and pulls in the relevant information for data type specific files.

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Validation function for all subscriptions received by the system

Used to set some values in the context that we may need in order to run. We store the organization id and the current user in the context once the user has been authenticated

Used to apply middleware on all or a group of fields based on pattern matching.

Used to define the list of plugins to run before and after resolution.

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@spec config_fun(map(), map()) :: {:ok, Keyword.t()} | {:error, String.t()}

Validation function for all subscriptions received by the system

@spec context(map()) :: map()

Used to set some values in the context that we may need in order to run. We store the organization id and the current user in the context once the user has been authenticated

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middleware(middleware, field, arg3)

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Used to apply middleware on all or a group of fields based on pattern matching.

It is passed the existing middleware for a field, the field itself, and the object that the field is a part of.

@spec plugins() :: [Absinthe.Plugin.t()]

Used to define the list of plugins to run before and after resolution.