

Flag descriptions

pub type Description =

Flag data and descriptions

pub type Flag {
  Flag(value: Value, description: Description)


  • Flag(value: Value, description: Description)

A type that facilitates the creation of Flags

pub opaque type FlagBuilder(a)

An internal representation of flag contents

pub opaque type Internal(a)

Associate flag names to their current values.

pub type Map =
  dict.Dict(String, Flag)

Supported flag types.

pub type Value {


  • B(Internal(Bool))

    Boolean flags, to be passed in as --flag=true or --flag=false. Can be toggled by omitting the desired value like --flag. Toggling will negate the existing value.

  • I(Internal(Int))

    Int flags, to be passed in as --flag=1

  • LI(Internal(List(Int)))

    List(Int) flags, to be passed in as --flag=1,2,3

  • F(Internal(Float))

    Float flags, to be passed in as --flag=1.0

  • LF(Internal(List(Float)))

    List(Float) flags, to be passed in as --flag=1.0,2.0

  • S(Internal(String))

    String flags, to be passed in as --flag=hello

  • LS(Internal(List(String)))

    List(String) flags, to be passed in as --flag=hello,world


pub const prefix: String = "--"

Flag inputs must start with this prefix


pub fn bool() -> FlagBuilder(Bool)

initialise a bool flag builder

pub fn build(fb: FlagBuilder(a)) -> Flag

convert a FlagBuilder(a) into its corresponding Flag representation

pub fn build_map(
  flags: List(#(String, Flag)),
) -> Dict(String, Flag)

Convert a list of flags to a Map.

pub fn constraint(
  builder: FlagBuilder(a),
  constraint: fn(a) -> Result(Nil, Snag),
) -> FlagBuilder(a)

attach a constraint to a Flag

pub fn default(
  for builder: FlagBuilder(a),
  of default: a,
) -> FlagBuilder(a)

Set the default value for a flag Value

pub fn description(
  for builder: FlagBuilder(a),
  of description: String,
) -> FlagBuilder(a)

attach a description to a Flag

pub fn float() -> FlagBuilder(Float)

initialise a float flag builder

pub fn float_list() -> FlagBuilder(List(Float))

initialise a float list flag builder

pub fn get_bool(
  from flags: Dict(String, Flag),
  for name: String,
) -> Result(Bool, Snag)

Gets the current value for the associated bool flag

pub fn get_bool_value(from flag: Flag) -> Result(Bool, Snag)

Gets the current value for the provided bool flag

pub fn get_float(
  from flags: Dict(String, Flag),
  for name: String,
) -> Result(Float, Snag)

Gets the current value for the associated float flag

pub fn get_float_value(from flag: Flag) -> Result(Float, Snag)

Gets the current value for the provided float flag

pub fn get_floats(
  from flags: Dict(String, Flag),
  for name: String,
) -> Result(List(Float), Snag)

Gets the current value for the associated floats flag

pub fn get_floats_value(
  from flag: Flag,
) -> Result(List(Float), Snag)

Gets the current value for the provided floats flag

pub fn get_int(
  from flags: Dict(String, Flag),
  for name: String,
) -> Result(Int, Snag)

Gets the current value for the associated int flag

pub fn get_int_value(from flag: Flag) -> Result(Int, Snag)

Gets the current value for the provided int flag

pub fn get_ints(
  from flags: Dict(String, Flag),
  for name: String,
) -> Result(List(Int), Snag)

Gets the current value for the associated ints flag

pub fn get_ints_value(from flag: Flag) -> Result(List(Int), Snag)

Gets the current value for the provided ints flag

pub fn get_string(
  from flags: Dict(String, Flag),
  for name: String,
) -> Result(String, Snag)

Gets the current value for the associated string flag

pub fn get_string_value(from flag: Flag) -> Result(String, Snag)

Gets the current value for the provided string flag

pub fn get_strings(
  from flags: Dict(String, Flag),
  for name: String,
) -> Result(List(String), Snag)

Gets the current value for the associated strings flag

pub fn get_strings_value(
  from flag: Flag,
) -> Result(List(String), Snag)

Gets the current value for the provided strings flag

pub fn int() -> FlagBuilder(Int)

initialise an int flag builder

pub fn int_list() -> FlagBuilder(List(Int))

initialise an int list flag builder

pub fn string() -> FlagBuilder(String)

initialise a string flag builder

pub fn string_list() -> FlagBuilder(List(String))

intitialise a string list flag builder

pub fn update_flags(
  in flags: Dict(String, Flag),
  with flag_input: String,
) -> Result(Dict(String, Flag), Snag)

Updates a flag value, ensuring that the new value can satisfy the required type. Assumes that all flag inputs passed in start with – This function is only intended to be used from glint.execute_root

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