This is a gleam wrapper around gen_tcp
loosely based on ThousandIsland.
It uses the gleam_otp
library to handle the supervisor and child processes.
The general structure is similar to ThousandIsland. There is a supervisor that
manages a pool of acceptors. Each acceptor will block on accept
until a
connection is opened. The acceptor will then spawn a handler process and
then block again on accept
The handler function loops on messages received from the socket. You can define a handler with a function of the following type:
fn(HandlerMessage, Socket) -> actor.Next(Socket)
This gives you access to the socket if you want to send
to it in response. I
think right now I don’t have this set up where you can send to the socket
unprovoked? So that seems like something I’ll need to change… imminently.
You can kind of do whatever you want.
I didn’t test this, to be honest. I think this should work?
try listener =
|> dynamic.from
|> dynamic.unsafe_coerce,
try socket = tcp.accept(listener)
try msg = tcp.do_receive(socket, 0)
io.println("got a msg")
See dew for some better examples.