
Helper functions for building a list of instructions to be evaluated.

Use run_str to add an instruction to run uiua source code. Use run_file to add an instruction to run a uiua source file. Use evaluate to evaluate a list of instructions.


pub fn abs(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn add(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn all(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn assert_(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn atan(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn bits(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn box(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn ceil(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn classify(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn complex(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn coordinate(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn couple(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn csv(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn deal(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn deduplicate(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn deshape(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn divide(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn do(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn drop(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn dump(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn duplicate(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn each(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn equal_to(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn eta(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn evaluate(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> Result(Runtime, String)

Evaluates a list of instructions and return the resulting runtime or an error string as a Result.

pub fn fall(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn fill(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn find(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn first(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn fix(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn flip(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn floor(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn fold(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn generate(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn get(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn greater_than(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn greater_than_or_equal_to(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn group(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn has(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn index_of(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn infinity(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn insert(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn inventory(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn join(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn keep(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn length(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn less_than(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn less_than_or_equal_to(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn log(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn map(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn mask(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn match(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn max(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn member(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn memoize(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn min(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn modulo(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn multiply(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn negate(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn not(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn not_equal_to(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn now(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn over(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn parse(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn partition(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn pi(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn pool(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn pop(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn pow(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn push_byte_array(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
  value: List(Int),
) -> List(Instruction)

Adds an instruction to push a byte array to the stack.

pub fn push_char(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
  value: Character,
) -> List(Instruction)

Adds an instruction to push a character to the stack.

pub fn push_complex(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
  real: Float,
  imaginary: Float,
) -> List(Instruction)

Adds an instruction to push a complex number to the stack.

pub fn push_complex_list(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
  value: List(#(Float, Float)),
) -> List(Instruction)

Adds an instruction to push a list of complex numbers to the stack.

pub fn push_float(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
  value: Float,
) -> List(Instruction)

Adds an instruction to push a float to the stack.

pub fn push_float_list(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
  value: List(Float),
) -> List(Instruction)

Adds an instruction to push a list of floats to the stack.

pub fn push_int(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
  value: Int,
) -> List(Instruction)

Adds an instruction to push an integer to the stack.

pub fn push_int_list(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
  value: List(Int),
) -> List(Instruction)

Adds an instruction to push a list of integers to the stack.

pub fn push_string(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
  value: String,
) -> List(Instruction)

Adds an instruction to push a string to the stack.

pub fn push_value(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
  value: Value,
) -> List(Instruction)

Adds an instruction to push a uiua value to the stack.

pub fn random(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn range(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn recieve(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn recurse(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn reduce(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn regex(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn remove(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn repeat(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn representation(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn rerank(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn reshape(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn reverse(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn rise(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn rotate(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn round(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn rows(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn run_file(
  instructions instructions: List(Instruction),
  path str: String,
) -> List(Instruction)

Adds an instruction to run a uiua source file.

pub fn run_str(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
  str: String,
) -> List(Instruction)

add an instruction to run uiua source code

pub fn scan(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn select(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn send(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn set_inverse(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn set_under(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn shape(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn shapes(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn sign(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn sin(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn spawn(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn sqrt(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn stack(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn subtract(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn table(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn tag(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn take(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn tau(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn this(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn trace(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn transpose(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn try(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn try_recieve(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn type_(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn types(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn unique(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn utf(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn wait(instructions: List(Instruction)) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn where(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
pub fn windows(
  instructions: List(Instruction),
) -> List(Instruction)
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