
Package Version Hex Docs

A simple gleam benchmark runner which wraps

Quick start

Notice: Requires at least gleam 0.24 (or gleam 0.0.0-nightly-221019 or later).

Also requires elixir and hex to be installed. You might be required to run mix local.hex after installing elixir.

  1. Add glychee to your project: gleam add glychee.
  2. Create a a custom benchmarking module that contains a main-function. See glychee_example_benchmark_module.gleam as an example. In that module you will define which Functions to benchmark with one or many Data.
  3. Run the benchmark. bin/ in this library’s source shows an example on how do do it:


If you do not have a project yet, create it with:

gleam new foobar
cd foobar

Create a file named src/benchmark.gleam with following contents:

if erlang {
  import glychee/benchmark
  import gleam/list
  import gleam/int

  pub fn main() {
          label: "list.sort()",
          fun: fn(test_data) { fn() { list.sort(test_data, } },
        benchmark.Data(label: "pre-sorted list", data: list.range(1, 100_000)),
          label: "reversed list",
          data: list.range(1, 100_000)
          |> list.reverse,

Then run via:

gleam clean && \
gleam build && \
erl -pa ./build/dev/erlang/*/ebin -noshell \
  -eval 'gleam@@main:run(benchmark)'


If available on Hex this package can be added to your Gleam project:

gleam add glychee

Glychee’s documentation can be found at

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