View Source GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.QueryAudienceExportResponse (google_api_analytics_data v0.14.0)

A list of users in an audience export.


  • audienceExport (type: GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.AudienceExport.t, default: nil) - Configuration data about AudienceExport being queried. Returned to help interpret the audience rows in this response. For example, the dimensions in this AudienceExport correspond to the columns in the AudienceRows.
  • audienceRows (type: list(GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.V1betaAudienceRow.t), default: nil) - Rows for each user in an audience export. The number of rows in this response will be less than or equal to request's page size.
  • rowCount (type: integer(), default: nil) - The total number of rows in the AudienceExport result. rowCount is independent of the number of rows returned in the response, the limit request parameter, and the offset request parameter. For example if a query returns 175 rows and includes limit of 50 in the API request, the response will contain rowCount of 175 but only 50 rows. To learn more about this pagination parameter, see Pagination.



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.QueryAudienceExportResponse{
  audienceExport: GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.AudienceExport.t() | nil,
    [GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.V1betaAudienceRow.t()] | nil,
  rowCount: integer() | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.