View Source GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.RunReportResponse (google_api_analytics_data v0.14.0)

The response report table corresponding to a request.


  • dimensionHeaders (type: list(GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.DimensionHeader.t), default: nil) - Describes dimension columns. The number of DimensionHeaders and ordering of DimensionHeaders matches the dimensions present in rows.
  • kind (type: String.t, default: nil) - Identifies what kind of resource this message is. This kind is always the fixed string "analyticsData#runReport". Useful to distinguish between response types in JSON.
  • maximums (type: list(GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.Row.t), default: nil) - If requested, the maximum values of metrics.
  • metadata (type: GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.ResponseMetaData.t, default: nil) - Metadata for the report.
  • metricHeaders (type: list(GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.MetricHeader.t), default: nil) - Describes metric columns. The number of MetricHeaders and ordering of MetricHeaders matches the metrics present in rows.
  • minimums (type: list(GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.Row.t), default: nil) - If requested, the minimum values of metrics.
  • propertyQuota (type: GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.PropertyQuota.t, default: nil) - This Analytics Property's quota state including this request.
  • rowCount (type: integer(), default: nil) - The total number of rows in the query result. rowCount is independent of the number of rows returned in the response, the limit request parameter, and the offset request parameter. For example if a query returns 175 rows and includes limit of 50 in the API request, the response will contain rowCount of 175 but only 50 rows. To learn more about this pagination parameter, see Pagination.
  • rows (type: list(GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.Row.t), default: nil) - Rows of dimension value combinations and metric values in the report.
  • totals (type: list(GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.Row.t), default: nil) - If requested, the totaled values of metrics.



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.RunReportResponse{
    [GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.DimensionHeader.t()] | nil,
  kind: String.t() | nil,
  maximums: [GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.Row.t()] | nil,
  metadata: GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.ResponseMetaData.t() | nil,
  metricHeaders: [GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.MetricHeader.t()] | nil,
  minimums: [GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.Row.t()] | nil,
  propertyQuota: GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.PropertyQuota.t() | nil,
  rowCount: integer() | nil,
  rows: [GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.Row.t()] | nil,
  totals: [GoogleApi.AnalyticsData.V1beta.Model.Row.t()] | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.