View Source GoogleApi.AndroidDeviceProvisioning.V1.Model.OperationPerDevice (google_api_android_device_provisioning v0.19.0)

A task for each device in the operation. Corresponds to each device change in the request.


  • claim (type: GoogleApi.AndroidDeviceProvisioning.V1.Model.PartnerClaim.t, default: nil) - A copy of the original device-claim request received by the server.
  • result (type: GoogleApi.AndroidDeviceProvisioning.V1.Model.PerDeviceStatusInBatch.t, default: nil) - The processing result for each device.
  • unclaim (type: GoogleApi.AndroidDeviceProvisioning.V1.Model.PartnerUnclaim.t, default: nil) - A copy of the original device-unclaim request received by the server.
  • updateMetadata (type: GoogleApi.AndroidDeviceProvisioning.V1.Model.UpdateMetadataArguments.t, default: nil) - A copy of the original metadata-update request received by the server.



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.



@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.