View Source GoogleApi.Chat.V1.Model.GoogleAppsCardV1Grid (google_api_chat v0.34.3)

Displays a grid with a collection of items. Items can only include text or images. For responsive columns, or to include more than text or images, use Columns. For an example in Google Chat apps, see Display a Grid with a collection of items. A grid supports any number of columns and items. The number of rows is determined by items divided by columns. A grid with 10 items and 2 columns has 5 rows. A grid with 11 items and 2 columns has 6 rows. Google Workspace Add-ons and Chat apps: For example, the following JSON creates a 2 column grid with a single item: "grid": { "title": "A fine collection of items", "columnCount": 2, "borderStyle": { "type": "STROKE", "cornerRadius": 4 }, "items": [ { "image": { "imageUri": "", "cropStyle": { "type": "SQUARE" }, "borderStyle": { "type": "STROKE" } }, "title": "An item", "textAlignment": "CENTER" } ], "onClick": { "openLink": { "url": "" } } }


  • borderStyle (type: GoogleApi.Chat.V1.Model.GoogleAppsCardV1BorderStyle.t, default: nil) - The border style to apply to each grid item.
  • columnCount (type: integer(), default: nil) - The number of columns to display in the grid. A default value is used if this field isn't specified, and that default value is different depending on where the grid is shown (dialog versus companion).
  • items (type: list(GoogleApi.Chat.V1.Model.GoogleAppsCardV1GridItem.t), default: nil) - The items to display in the grid.
  • onClick (type: GoogleApi.Chat.V1.Model.GoogleAppsCardV1OnClick.t, default: nil) - This callback is reused by each individual grid item, but with the item's identifier and index in the items list added to the callback's parameters.
  • title (type: String.t, default: nil) - The text that displays in the grid header.



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.Chat.V1.Model.GoogleAppsCardV1Grid{
  borderStyle: GoogleApi.Chat.V1.Model.GoogleAppsCardV1BorderStyle.t() | nil,
  columnCount: integer() | nil,
  items: [GoogleApi.Chat.V1.Model.GoogleAppsCardV1GridItem.t()] | nil,
  onClick: GoogleApi.Chat.V1.Model.GoogleAppsCardV1OnClick.t() | nil,
  title: String.t() | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.