View Source GoogleApi.Datastore.V1.Model.GoogleDatastoreAdminV1ExportEntitiesRequest (google_api_datastore v0.22.0)

The request for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.ExportEntities.


  • entityFilter (type: GoogleApi.Datastore.V1.Model.GoogleDatastoreAdminV1EntityFilter.t, default: nil) - Description of what data from the project is included in the export.
  • labels (type: map(), default: nil) - Client-assigned labels.
  • outputUrlPrefix (type: String.t, default: nil) - Required. Location for the export metadata and data files. The full resource URL of the external storage location. Currently, only Google Cloud Storage is supported. So output_url_prefix should be of the form: gs://BUCKET_NAME[/NAMESPACE_PATH], where BUCKET_NAME is the name of the Cloud Storage bucket and NAMESPACE_PATH is an optional Cloud Storage namespace path (this is not a Cloud Datastore namespace). For more information about Cloud Storage namespace paths, see Object name considerations. The resulting files will be nested deeper than the specified URL prefix. The final output URL will be provided in the google.datastore.admin.v1.ExportEntitiesResponse.output_url field. That value should be used for subsequent ImportEntities operations. By nesting the data files deeper, the same Cloud Storage bucket can be used in multiple ExportEntities operations without conflict.



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


@type t() ::
      GoogleApi.Datastore.V1.Model.GoogleDatastoreAdminV1EntityFilter.t() | nil,
    labels: map() | nil,
    outputUrlPrefix: String.t() | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.