View Source GoogleApi.Dialogflow.V3.Model.GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3GeneratorModelParameter (google_api_dialogflow v0.88.3)

Parameters to be passed to the LLM. If not set, default values will be used.


  • maxDecodeSteps (type: integer(), default: nil) - The maximum number of tokens to generate.
  • temperature (type: number(), default: nil) - The temperature used for sampling. Temperature sampling occurs after both topP and topK have been applied. Valid range: [0.0, 1.0] Low temperature = less random. High temperature = more random.
  • topK (type: integer(), default: nil) - If set, the sampling process in each step is limited to the top_k tokens with highest probabilities. Valid range: [1, 40] or 1000+. Small topK = less random. Large topK = more random.
  • topP (type: number(), default: nil) - If set, only the tokens comprising the top top_p probability mass are considered. If both top_p and top_k are set, top_p will be used for further refining candidates selected with top_k. Valid range: (0.0, 1.0]. Small topP = less random. Large topP = more random.



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.



@type t() ::
    maxDecodeSteps: integer() | nil,
    temperature: number() | nil,
    topK: integer() | nil,
    topP: number() | nil


decode(value, options)

@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.