View Source GoogleApi.Dialogflow.V3.Model.GoogleCloudDialogflowV2beta1IntentMessageRbmCardContentRbmMedia (google_api_dialogflow v0.88.0)
Rich Business Messaging (RBM) Media displayed in Cards The following media-types are currently supported: Image Types image/jpeg image/jpg' image/gif image/png Video Types video/h263 video/m4v video/mp4 video/mpeg video/mpeg4 video/webm
, default:nil
) - Required. Publicly reachable URI of the file. The RBM platform determines the MIME type of the file from the content-type field in the HTTP headers when the platform fetches the file. The content-type field must be present and accurate in the HTTP response from the URL. -
, default:nil
) - Required for cards with vertical orientation. The height of the media within a rich card with a vertical layout. For a standalone card with horizontal layout, height is not customizable, and this field is ignored. -
, default:nil
) - Optional. Publicly reachable URI of the thumbnail.If you don't provide a thumbnail URI, the RBM platform displays a blank placeholder thumbnail until the user's device downloads the file. Depending on the user's setting, the file may not download automatically and may require the user to tap a download button.
Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.
Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.