View Source GoogleApi.Dialogflow.V3.Model.GoogleCloudDialogflowV2beta1ResponseMessage (google_api_dialogflow v0.88.3)

Response messages from an automated agent.


  • endInteraction (type: GoogleApi.Dialogflow.V3.Model.GoogleCloudDialogflowV2beta1ResponseMessageEndInteraction.t, default: nil) - A signal that indicates the interaction with the Dialogflow agent has ended.
  • liveAgentHandoff (type: GoogleApi.Dialogflow.V3.Model.GoogleCloudDialogflowV2beta1ResponseMessageLiveAgentHandoff.t, default: nil) - Hands off conversation to a live agent.
  • mixedAudio (type: GoogleApi.Dialogflow.V3.Model.GoogleCloudDialogflowV2beta1ResponseMessageMixedAudio.t, default: nil) - An audio response message composed of both the synthesized Dialogflow agent responses and the audios hosted in places known to the client.
  • payload (type: map(), default: nil) - Returns a response containing a custom, platform-specific payload.
  • telephonyTransferCall (type: GoogleApi.Dialogflow.V3.Model.GoogleCloudDialogflowV2beta1ResponseMessageTelephonyTransferCall.t, default: nil) - A signal that the client should transfer the phone call connected to this agent to a third-party endpoint.
  • text (type: GoogleApi.Dialogflow.V3.Model.GoogleCloudDialogflowV2beta1ResponseMessageText.t, default: nil) - Returns a text response.



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.



decode(value, options)

@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.