View Source GoogleApi.DLP.V2.Model.GooglePrivacyDlpV2CharacterMaskConfig (google_api_dlp v0.46.0)

Partially mask a string by replacing a given number of characters with a fixed character. Masking can start from the beginning or end of the string. This can be used on data of any type (numbers, longs, and so on) and when de-identifying structured data we'll attempt to preserve the original data's type. (This allows you to take a long like 123 and modify it to a string like **3.


  • charactersToIgnore (type: list(GoogleApi.DLP.V2.Model.GooglePrivacyDlpV2CharsToIgnore.t), default: nil) - When masking a string, items in this list will be skipped when replacing characters. For example, if the input string is 555-555-5555 and you instruct Cloud DLP to skip - and mask 5 characters with *, Cloud DLP returns ***-**5-5555.
  • maskingCharacter (type: String.t, default: nil) - Character to use to mask the sensitive values—for example, * for an alphabetic string such as a name, or 0 for a numeric string such as ZIP code or credit card number. This string must have a length of 1. If not supplied, this value defaults to * for strings, and 0 for digits.
  • numberToMask (type: integer(), default: nil) - Number of characters to mask. If not set, all matching chars will be masked. Skipped characters do not count towards this tally. If number_to_mask is negative, this denotes inverse masking. Cloud DLP masks all but a number of characters. For example, suppose you have the following values: - masking_character is * - number_to_mask is -4 - reverse_order is false - CharsToIgnore includes - - Input string is 1234-5678-9012-3456 The resulting de-identified string is ****-****-****-3456. Cloud DLP masks all but the last four characters. If reverse_order is true, all but the first four characters are masked as 1234-****-****-****.
  • reverseOrder (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Mask characters in reverse order. For example, if masking_character is 0, number_to_mask is 14, and reverse_order is false, then the input string 1234-5678-9012-3456 is masked as 00000000000000-3456. If masking_character is *, number_to_mask is 3, and reverse_order is true, then the string 12345 is masked as 12***.



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.DLP.V2.Model.GooglePrivacyDlpV2CharacterMaskConfig{
    [GoogleApi.DLP.V2.Model.GooglePrivacyDlpV2CharsToIgnore.t()] | nil,
  maskingCharacter: String.t() | nil,
  numberToMask: integer() | nil,
  reverseOrder: boolean() | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.