View Source GoogleApi.DLP.V2.Model.GooglePrivacyDlpV2DeltaPresenceEstimationConfig (google_api_dlp v0.46.0)

δ-presence metric, used to estimate how likely it is for an attacker to figure out that one given individual appears in a de-identified dataset. Similarly to the k-map metric, we cannot compute δ-presence exactly without knowing the attack dataset, so we use a statistical model instead.


  • auxiliaryTables (type: list(GoogleApi.DLP.V2.Model.GooglePrivacyDlpV2StatisticalTable.t), default: nil) - Several auxiliary tables can be used in the analysis. Each custom_tag used to tag a quasi-identifiers field must appear in exactly one field of one auxiliary table.
  • quasiIds (type: list(GoogleApi.DLP.V2.Model.GooglePrivacyDlpV2QuasiId.t), default: nil) - Required. Fields considered to be quasi-identifiers. No two fields can have the same tag.
  • regionCode (type: String.t, default: nil) - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 region code to use in the statistical modeling. Set if no column is tagged with a region-specific InfoType (like US_ZIP_5) or a region code.



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.DLP.V2.Model.GooglePrivacyDlpV2DeltaPresenceEstimationConfig{
    [GoogleApi.DLP.V2.Model.GooglePrivacyDlpV2StatisticalTable.t()] | nil,
  quasiIds: [GoogleApi.DLP.V2.Model.GooglePrivacyDlpV2QuasiId.t()] | nil,
  regionCode: String.t() | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.