View Source GoogleApi.DocumentAI.V1.Model.GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1TrainProcessorVersionMetadataDatasetValidation (google_api_document_ai v0.39.0)

The dataset validation information. This includes any and all errors with documents and the dataset.


  • datasetErrorCount (type: integer(), default: nil) - The total number of dataset errors.
  • datasetErrors (type: list(GoogleApi.DocumentAI.V1.Model.GoogleRpcStatus.t), default: nil) - Error information for the dataset as a whole. A maximum of 10 dataset errors will be returned. A single dataset error is terminal for training.
  • documentErrorCount (type: integer(), default: nil) - The total number of document errors.
  • documentErrors (type: list(GoogleApi.DocumentAI.V1.Model.GoogleRpcStatus.t), default: nil) - Error information pertaining to specific documents. A maximum of 10 document errors will be returned. Any document with errors will not be used throughout training.



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


@type t() ::
    datasetErrorCount: integer() | nil,
    datasetErrors: [GoogleApi.DocumentAI.V1.Model.GoogleRpcStatus.t()] | nil,
    documentErrorCount: integer() | nil,
    documentErrors: [GoogleApi.DocumentAI.V1.Model.GoogleRpcStatus.t()] | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.