View Source GoogleApi.Domains.V1alpha2.Model.DnsSettings (google_api_domains v0.12.0)

Defines the DNS configuration of a Registration, including name servers, DNSSEC, and glue records.


  • customDns (type: GoogleApi.Domains.V1alpha2.Model.CustomDns.t, default: nil) - An arbitrary DNS provider identified by its name servers.
  • glueRecords (type: list(GoogleApi.Domains.V1alpha2.Model.GlueRecord.t), default: nil) - The list of glue records for this Registration. Commonly empty.
  • googleDomainsDns (type: GoogleApi.Domains.V1alpha2.Model.GoogleDomainsDns.t, default: nil) - Deprecated: For more information, see Cloud Domains feature deprecation. The free DNS zone provided by Google Domains.
  • googleDomainsRedirectsDataAvailable (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Output only. Indicates if this Registration has configured one of the following deprecated Google Domains DNS features: Domain forwarding (HTTP 301 and 302 response status codes), Email forwarding. See for more details. If any of these features is enabled call the RetrieveGoogleDomainsForwardingConfig method to get details about the feature's configuration. A forwarding configuration might not work correctly if required DNS records are not present in the domain's authoritative DNS Zone.



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.Domains.V1alpha2.Model.DnsSettings{
  customDns: GoogleApi.Domains.V1alpha2.Model.CustomDns.t() | nil,
  glueRecords: [GoogleApi.Domains.V1alpha2.Model.GlueRecord.t()] | nil,
  googleDomainsDns: GoogleApi.Domains.V1alpha2.Model.GoogleDomainsDns.t() | nil,
  googleDomainsRedirectsDataAvailable: boolean() | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.