View Source GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.ListenResponse (google_api_firestore v0.27.0)

The response for Firestore.Listen.


  • documentChange (type: GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.DocumentChange.t, default: nil) - A Document has changed.
  • documentDelete (type: GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.DocumentDelete.t, default: nil) - A Document has been deleted.
  • documentRemove (type: GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.DocumentRemove.t, default: nil) - A Document has been removed from a target (because it is no longer relevant to that target).
  • filter (type: GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.ExistenceFilter.t, default: nil) - A filter to apply to the set of documents previously returned for the given target. Returned when documents may have been removed from the given target, but the exact documents are unknown.
  • targetChange (type: GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.TargetChange.t, default: nil) - Targets have changed.



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.ListenResponse{
  documentChange: GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.DocumentChange.t() | nil,
  documentDelete: GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.DocumentDelete.t() | nil,
  documentRemove: GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.DocumentRemove.t() | nil,
  filter: GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.ExistenceFilter.t() | nil,
  targetChange: GoogleApi.Firestore.V1beta1.Model.TargetChange.t() | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.