GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.CheckInRequest (google_api_genomics v0.18.0) View Source

The parameters to the CheckIn method.


  • deadlineExpired (type: GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.Empty.t, default: nil) - The deadline has expired and the worker needs more time.
  • event (type: map(), default: nil) - A workflow specific event occurred.
  • events (type: list(GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.TimestampedEvent.t), default: nil) - A list of timestamped events.
  • result (type: GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.Status.t, default: nil) - The operation has finished with the given result.
  • sosReport (type: String.t, default: nil) - An SOS report for an unexpected VM failure.
  • workerStatus (type: GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.WorkerStatus.t, default: nil) - Data about the status of the worker VM.

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Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.

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t() :: %GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.CheckInRequest{
  deadlineExpired: GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.Empty.t() | nil,
  event: map() | nil,
  events: [GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.TimestampedEvent.t()] | nil,
  result: GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.Status.t() | nil,
  sosReport: String.t() | nil,
  workerStatus: GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.WorkerStatus.t() | nil

Link to this section Functions


decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.