GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.Pipeline (google_api_genomics v0.18.0) View Source

Specifies a series of actions to execute, expressed as Docker containers.


  • actions (type: list(GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.Action.t), default: nil) - The list of actions to execute, in the order they are specified.
  • encryptedEnvironment (type: GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.Secret.t, default: nil) - The encrypted environment to pass into every action. Each action can also specify its own encrypted environment. The secret must decrypt to a JSON-encoded dictionary where key-value pairs serve as environment variable names and their values. The decoded environment variables can overwrite the values specified by the environment field.
  • environment (type: map(), default: nil) - The environment to pass into every action. Each action can also specify additional environment variables but cannot delete an entry from this map (though they can overwrite it with a different value).
  • resources (type: GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.Resources.t, default: nil) - The resources required for execution.
  • timeout (type: String.t, default: nil) - The maximum amount of time to give the pipeline to complete. This includes the time spent waiting for a worker to be allocated. If the pipeline fails to complete before the timeout, it will be cancelled and the error code will be set to DEADLINE_EXCEEDED. If unspecified, it will default to 7 days.

Link to this section Summary


Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.

Link to this section Types


t() :: %GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.Pipeline{
  actions: [GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.Action.t()] | nil,
  encryptedEnvironment: GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.Secret.t() | nil,
  environment: map() | nil,
  resources: GoogleApi.Genomics.V2alpha1.Model.Resources.t() | nil,
  timeout: String.t() | nil

Link to this section Functions


decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.