View Source GoogleApi.HealthCare.V1.Model.DeidentifyConfig (google_api_health_care v0.50.1)

Configures de-id options specific to different types of content. Each submessage customizes the handling of an media type or subtype. Configs are applied in a nested manner at runtime.


  • dicom (type: GoogleApi.HealthCare.V1.Model.DicomConfig.t, default: nil) - Configures de-id of application/DICOM content.
  • fhir (type: GoogleApi.HealthCare.V1.Model.FhirConfig.t, default: nil) - Configures de-id of application/FHIR content.
  • image (type: GoogleApi.HealthCare.V1.Model.ImageConfig.t, default: nil) - Configures de-identification of image pixels wherever they are found in the source_dataset.
  • text (type: GoogleApi.HealthCare.V1.Model.TextConfig.t, default: nil) - Configures de-identification of text wherever it is found in the source_dataset.
  • useRegionalDataProcessing (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Ensures in-flight data remains in the region of origin during de-identification. Using this option results in a significant reduction of throughput, and is not compatible with LOCATION or ORGANIZATION_NAME infoTypes. LOCATION must be excluded within TextConfig, and must also be excluded within ImageConfig if image redaction is required.



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.HealthCare.V1.Model.DeidentifyConfig{
  dicom: GoogleApi.HealthCare.V1.Model.DicomConfig.t() | nil,
  fhir: GoogleApi.HealthCare.V1.Model.FhirConfig.t() | nil,
  image: GoogleApi.HealthCare.V1.Model.ImageConfig.t() | nil,
  text: GoogleApi.HealthCare.V1.Model.TextConfig.t() | nil,
  useRegionalDataProcessing: boolean() | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.