View Source GoogleApi.HealthCare.V1beta1.Model.DicomConfig (google_api_health_care v0.50.1)

Specifies the parameters needed for de-identification of DICOM stores.


  • filterProfile (type: String.t, default: nil) - Tag filtering profile that determines which tags to keep/remove.
  • keepList (type: GoogleApi.HealthCare.V1beta1.Model.TagFilterList.t, default: nil) - List of tags to keep. Remove all other tags.
  • removeList (type: GoogleApi.HealthCare.V1beta1.Model.TagFilterList.t, default: nil) - List of tags to remove. Keep all other tags.
  • skipIdRedaction (type: boolean(), default: nil) - If true, skip replacing StudyInstanceUID, SeriesInstanceUID, SOPInstanceUID, and MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID and leave them untouched. The Cloud Healthcare API regenerates these UIDs by default based on the DICOM Standard's reasoning: "Whilst these UIDs cannot be mapped directly to an individual out of context, given access to the original images, or to a database of the original images containing the UIDs, it would be possible to recover the individual's identity."



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.HealthCare.V1beta1.Model.DicomConfig{
  filterProfile: String.t() | nil,
  keepList: GoogleApi.HealthCare.V1beta1.Model.TagFilterList.t() | nil,
  removeList: GoogleApi.HealthCare.V1beta1.Model.TagFilterList.t() | nil,
  skipIdRedaction: boolean() | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.