View Source GoogleApi.OSConfig.V1.Model.PatchConfig (google_api_os_config v0.21.1)

Patch configuration specifications. Contains details on how to apply the patch(es) to a VM instance.


  • apt (type: GoogleApi.OSConfig.V1.Model.AptSettings.t, default: nil) - Apt update settings. Use this setting to override the default apt patch rules.
  • goo (type: GoogleApi.OSConfig.V1.Model.GooSettings.t, default: nil) - Goo update settings. Use this setting to override the default goo patch rules.
  • migInstancesAllowed (type: boolean(), default: nil) - Allows the patch job to run on Managed instance groups (MIGs).
  • postStep (type: GoogleApi.OSConfig.V1.Model.ExecStep.t, default: nil) - The ExecStep to run after the patch update.
  • preStep (type: GoogleApi.OSConfig.V1.Model.ExecStep.t, default: nil) - The ExecStep to run before the patch update.
  • rebootConfig (type: String.t, default: nil) - Post-patch reboot settings.
  • windowsUpdate (type: GoogleApi.OSConfig.V1.Model.WindowsUpdateSettings.t, default: nil) - Windows update settings. Use this override the default windows patch rules.
  • yum (type: GoogleApi.OSConfig.V1.Model.YumSettings.t, default: nil) - Yum update settings. Use this setting to override the default yum patch rules.
  • zypper (type: GoogleApi.OSConfig.V1.Model.ZypperSettings.t, default: nil) - Zypper update settings. Use this setting to override the default zypper patch rules.



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.OSConfig.V1.Model.PatchConfig{
  apt: GoogleApi.OSConfig.V1.Model.AptSettings.t() | nil,
  goo: GoogleApi.OSConfig.V1.Model.GooSettings.t() | nil,
  migInstancesAllowed: boolean() | nil,
  postStep: GoogleApi.OSConfig.V1.Model.ExecStep.t() | nil,
  preStep: GoogleApi.OSConfig.V1.Model.ExecStep.t() | nil,
  rebootConfig: String.t() | nil,
  windowsUpdate: GoogleApi.OSConfig.V1.Model.WindowsUpdateSettings.t() | nil,
  yum: GoogleApi.OSConfig.V1.Model.YumSettings.t() | nil,
  zypper: GoogleApi.OSConfig.V1.Model.ZypperSettings.t() | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.