View Source GoogleApi.Redis.V1beta1.Model.AssetLocation (google_api_redis v0.43.0)

Provides the mapping of a cloud asset to a direct physical location or to a proxy that defines the location on its behalf.


  • ccfeRmsPath (type: String.t, default: nil) - Spanner path of the CCFE RMS database. It is only applicable for CCFE tenants that use CCFE RMS for storing resource metadata.
  • expected (type: GoogleApi.Redis.V1beta1.Model.IsolationExpectations.t, default: nil) - Defines the customer expectation around ZI/ZS for this asset and ZI/ZS state of the region at the time of asset creation.
  • extraParameters (type: list(GoogleApi.Redis.V1beta1.Model.ExtraParameter.t), default: nil) - Defines extra parameters required for specific asset types.
  • locationData (type: list(GoogleApi.Redis.V1beta1.Model.LocationData.t), default: nil) - Contains all kinds of physical location definitions for this asset.
  • parentAsset (type: list(GoogleApi.Redis.V1beta1.Model.CloudAsset.t), default: nil) - Defines parents assets if any in order to allow later generation of child_asset_location data via child assets.



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.Redis.V1beta1.Model.AssetLocation{
  ccfeRmsPath: String.t() | nil,
  expected: GoogleApi.Redis.V1beta1.Model.IsolationExpectations.t() | nil,
  extraParameters: [GoogleApi.Redis.V1beta1.Model.ExtraParameter.t()] | nil,
  locationData: [GoogleApi.Redis.V1beta1.Model.LocationData.t()] | nil,
  parentAsset: [GoogleApi.Redis.V1beta1.Model.CloudAsset.t()] | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.