View Source GoogleApi.ServiceUsage.V1.Model.Logging (google_api_service_usage v0.19.0)

Logging configuration of the service. The following example shows how to configure logs to be sent to the producer and consumer projects. In the example, the activity_history log is sent to both the producer and consumer projects, whereas the purchase_history log is only sent to the producer project. monitored_resources: - type: labels: - key: /city description: The city where the library branch is located in. - key: /name description: The name of the branch. logs: - name: activity_history labels: - key: /customer_id - name: purchase_history logging: producer_destinations: - monitored_resource: logs: - activity_history - purchase_history consumer_destinations: - monitored_resource: logs: - activity_history


  • consumerDestinations (type: list(GoogleApi.ServiceUsage.V1.Model.LoggingDestination.t), default: nil) - Logging configurations for sending logs to the consumer project. There can be multiple consumer destinations, each one must have a different monitored resource type. A log can be used in at most one consumer destination.
  • producerDestinations (type: list(GoogleApi.ServiceUsage.V1.Model.LoggingDestination.t), default: nil) - Logging configurations for sending logs to the producer project. There can be multiple producer destinations, each one must have a different monitored resource type. A log can be used in at most one producer destination.



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.ServiceUsage.V1.Model.Logging{
    [GoogleApi.ServiceUsage.V1.Model.LoggingDestination.t()] | nil,
    [GoogleApi.ServiceUsage.V1.Model.LoggingDestination.t()] | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.