Goth.Token (Goth v1.3.0-rc.3) View Source

Functions for retrieving the token from the Google API.

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Fetch the token from the Google API using the given config.

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t() :: %Goth.Token{
  account: term(),
  expires: non_neg_integer(),
  scope: String.t(),
  sub: String.t() | nil,
  token: String.t(),
  type: String.t()

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fetch(map()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}

Fetch the token from the Google API using the given config.

Config may contain the following keys:


Source can be one of:

Service account - {:service_account, credentials, options}

The credentials is a map and can contain the following keys:

  • "private_key"

  • "client_email"

The options is a keywords list and can contain the following keys:

  • :url - the URL of the authentication service, defaults to: ""

  • :scopes - the list of token scopes, defaults to [""]

  • :sub - an email of user being impersonated, defaults to nil

Refresh token - {:refresh_token, credentials, options}

The credentials is a map and can contain the following keys:

  • "refresh_token"

  • "client_id"

  • "client_secret"

The options is a keywords list and can contain the following keys:

  • :url - the URL of the authentication service, defaults to: ""

Google metadata server - {:metadata, options}

The options is a keywords list and can contain the following keys:

  • :account - the name of the account to generate the token for, defaults to "default"

  • :url - the URL of the metadata server, defaults to ""


Generate a token using a service account credentials file:

iex> credentials = "credentials.json" |>!() |> Jason.decode!()
iex> Goth.Token.fetch(%{source: {:service_account, credentials, []}})
{:ok, %Goth.Token{...}}

You can generate a credentials file containing service account using gcloud utility like this:

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create --key-file-type=json --iam-account=... credentials.json

Retrieve the token using a refresh token:

iex> credentials = "credentials.json" |>!() |> Jason.decode!()
iex> Goth.Token.fetch(%{source: {:refresh_token, credentials, []}})
{:ok, %Goth.Token{...}}

You can generate a credentials file containing refresh token using gcloud utility like this:

gcloud auth application-default login

Retrieve the token using the Google metadata server:

iex> Goth.Token.fetch(%{source: {:metadata, []}})
{:ok, %Goth.Token{...}}

See Storing and retrieving instance metadata for more information on metadata server.

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for_scope(info, sub \\ nil)

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This function is deprecated. Use Goth.fetch/1 instead.


for_scope(scope :: String.t(), sub :: String.t() | nil) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, any()}
for_scope(info :: {String.t() | atom(), String.t()}, sub :: String.t() | nil) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, any()}