graphene_client_ex v0.2.0 Graphene



Get an account’s balances in various assets. Return Balances of the account

Get the total number of accounts registered with the blockchain

Return all accounts that referr to the key or account id in their owner or active authorities

Return all unclaimed balance objects for a set of addresses

Semantically equivalent to get_account_balances, but takes a name instead of an ID

Get a list of accounts by name

Return Map of account names to corresponding IDs Parameters lower_bound_name - Lower bound of the first name to return limit - Maximum number of results to return must not exceed 1000

Called when an application is started


call_db(method_name, method_params)

Get an account’s balances in various assets. Return Balances of the account

Parameters id - ID of the account to get balances for assets - IDs of the assets to get balances of; if empty, get all assets account has a balance in FIXME: passing a list of more than 1 assets_ids doesn’t work as expected.

get_account_balances(account_id, assets_ids)

Get the total number of accounts registered with the blockchain.


Return all accounts that referr to the key or account id in their owner or active authorities.


Return all unclaimed balance objects for a set of addresses


Semantically equivalent to get_account_balances, but takes a name instead of an ID.

get_named_account_balances(account_name, assets_ids)
get_transaction(block_height, trx_in_block)

Get a list of accounts by name.

Return The accounts holding the provided names Parameters account_names - Names of the accounts to retrieve

lookup_accounts(lower_bound_name, limit)

Return Map of account names to corresponding IDs Parameters lower_bound_name - Lower bound of the first name to return limit - Maximum number of results to return must not exceed 1000

start(type, args)

Called when an application is started.

This function is called when an the application is started using Application.start/2 (and functions on top of that, such as Application.ensure_started/2). This function should start the top-level process of the application (which should be the top supervisor of the application’s supervision tree if the application follows the OTP design principles around supervision).

start_type defines how the application is started:

  • :normal - used if the startup is a normal startup or if the application is distributed and is started on the current node because of a failover from another mode and the application specification key :start_phases is :undefined.
  • {:takeover, node} - used if the application is distributed and is started on the current node because of a failover on the node node.
  • {:failover, node} - used if the application is distributed and is started on the current node because of a failover on node node, and the application specification key :start_phases is not :undefined.

start_args are the arguments passed to the application in the :mod specification key (e.g., mod: {MyApp, [:my_args]}).

This function should either return {:ok, pid} or {:ok, pid, state} if startup is successful. pid should be the pid of the top supervisor. state can be an arbitrary term, and if omitted will default to []; if the application is later stopped, state is passed to the stop/1 callback (see the documentation for the stop/2 callback for more information).

use Application provides no default implementation for the start/2 callback.

Callback implementation for Application.start/2.