
This is the 3D mathematics library for graphmath.

This submodule handles 4x4 matrices using tuples of floats.


add(a, b)

add(a,b) adds one mat44 to another mat44

apply(a, v)

apply( a, v ) transforms a vec4 by a mat44

apply_left(v, a)

apply_left( v, a ) transforms a vec4 by a mat44, applied on the left

apply_left_transpose(v, a)

apply_left_transpose( v, a ) transforms a vec3 by a transposed mat33, applied on the left

apply_transpose(a, v)

apply_transpose( a, v ) transforms a vec4 by a a transposed mat44

at(a, i, j)

at( a, i, j) selects an element of a mat44


column0( a ) selects the first column of a mat44


column1( a ) selects the second column of a mat44


column2( a ) selects the third column of a mat44


column3( a ) selects the fourth column of a mat44


diag( a ) selects the diagonal of a mat44


identity() creates an identity mat44


make_rotate_x( theta ) creates a mat44 that rotates a vec3 by theta radians about the +X axis


make_rotate_y( theta ) creates a mat44 that rotates a vec3 by theta radians about the +Y axis


make_rotate_Z( theta ) creates a mat44 that rotates a vec3 by theta radians about the +Z axis


make_scale( k ) creates a mat44 that uniformly scales

make_scale(sx, sy, sz, sw)

make_scale( sx, sy, sz, sw ) creates a mat44 that scales each axis independently

make_translate(tx, ty, tz)

make_translate( tx, ty, tz ) creates a mat44 that translates a point by tx, ty, and tz

multiply(a, b)

multiply( a, b ) multiply two matrices a and b together

multiply_transpose(a, b)

multiply_transpose( a, b ) multiply two matrices a and bT together

round(a, sigfigs)

round( a, sigfigs ) rounds every element of a mat44 to some number of decimal places


row0( a ) selects the first row of a mat44


row1( a ) selects the second row of a mat44


row2( a ) selects the third row of a mat44


row3( a ) selects the fourth row of a mat44

scale(a, k)

scale( a, k ) scales every element in a mat44 by a coefficient k

subtract(a, b)

subtract(a,b) subtracts one mat44 from another mat44

transform_point(a, v)

transform_point( a, v ) transforms a vec3 point by a mat44

transform_vector(a, v)

transform_vector( a, v ) transforms a vec3 vector by a mat44


zero() creates a zeroed mat44


mat44 :: {float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float}

vec4 :: {float, float, float, float}

vec3 :: {float, float, float}


add(a, b)


add(a,b) adds one mat44 to another mat44.

a is the first mat44.

b is the second mat44.

This returns a mat44 which is the element-wise sum of a and b.

apply(a, v)


apply( a, v ) transforms a vec4 by a mat44.

a is the mat44 to transform by.

v is the vec4 to be transformed.

This returns a vec4 representing A**v**.

This is the “full” application of a matrix, and uses all elements.

apply_left(v, a)


apply_left( v, a ) transforms a vec4 by a mat44, applied on the left.

a is the mat44 to transform by.

v is the vec4 to be transformed.

This returns a vec4 representing v**A**.

This is the “full” application of a matrix, and uses all elements.

apply_left_transpose(v, a)


apply_left_transpose( v, a ) transforms a vec3 by a transposed mat33, applied on the left.

a is the mat44 to transform by.

v is the vec4 to be transformed.

This returns a vec4 representing v**A**T.

This is the “full” application of a matrix, and uses all elements.

apply_transpose(a, v)


apply_transpose( a, v ) transforms a vec4 by a a transposed mat44.

a is the mat44 to transform by.

v is the vec4 to be transformed.

This returns a vec4 representing ATv.

This is the “full” application of a matrix, and uses all elements.

at(a, i, j)


  • at(mat44, Integer, Integer) :: float

at( a, i, j) selects an element of a mat44.

a is the mat44 to index.

i is the row integer index [0,3].

j is the column integer index [0,3].

This returns a float from the matrix at row i and column j.



column0( a ) selects the first column of a mat44.

a is the mat44 to take the first column of.

This returns a vec4 representing the first column of a.



column1( a ) selects the second column of a mat44.

a is the mat44 to take the second column of.

This returns a vec4 representing the second column of a.



column2( a ) selects the third column of a mat44.

a is the mat44 to take the third column of.

This returns a vec4 representing the third column of a.



column3( a ) selects the fourth column of a mat44.

a is the mat44 to take the fourth column of.

This returns a vec4 representing the fourth column of a.



diag( a ) selects the diagonal of a mat44.

a is the mat44 to take the diagonal of.

This returns a vec4 representing the diagonal of a.



identity() creates an identity mat44.

This returns an identity mat44.



  • make_rotate_x(float) :: mat44

make_rotate_x( theta ) creates a mat44 that rotates a vec3 by theta radians about the +X axis.

theta is the float of the number of radians of rotation the matrix will provide.

This returns a mat44 which rotates by theta radians about the +X axis.



  • make_rotate_y(float) :: mat44

make_rotate_y( theta ) creates a mat44 that rotates a vec3 by theta radians about the +Y axis.

theta is the float of the number of radians of rotation the matrix will provide.

This returns a mat44 which rotates by theta radians about the +Y axis.



  • make_rotate_z(float) :: mat44

make_rotate_Z( theta ) creates a mat44 that rotates a vec3 by theta radians about the +Z axis.

theta is the float of the number of radians of rotation the matrix will provide.

This returns a mat44 which rotates by theta radians about the +Z axis.



  • make_scale(float) :: mat44

make_scale( k ) creates a mat44 that uniformly scales.

k is the float value to scale by.

This returns a mat44 whose diagonal is all ks.

make_scale(sx, sy, sz, sw)


  • make_scale(float, float, float, float) :: mat44

make_scale( sx, sy, sz, sw ) creates a mat44 that scales each axis independently.

sx is a float for scaling the x-axis.

sy is a float for scaling the y-axis.

sz is a float for scaling the z-axis.

sw is a float for scaling the w-axis.

This returns a mat44 whose diagonal is { sx, sy, sz, sw }.

Note that, when used with vec3s via the transform methods, sw will have no effect.

make_translate(tx, ty, tz)


  • make_translate(float, float, float) :: mat44

make_translate( tx, ty, tz ) creates a mat44 that translates a point by tx, ty, and tz.

make_translate( tx, ty, tz ) creates a mat44 that translates a vec3 by (tx, ty, tz).

tx is a float for translating along the x-axis.

ty is a float for translating along the y-axis.

tz is a float for translating along the z-axis.

This returns a mat44 which translates by a vec3 { tx, ty, tz }.

multiply(a, b)


multiply( a, b ) multiply two matrices a and b together.

a is the mat44 multiplicand.

b is the mat44 multiplier.

This returns the mat44 product of the a and b.

multiply_transpose(a, b)


multiply_transpose( a, b ) multiply two matrices a and bT together.

a is the mat44 multiplicand.

b is the mat44 multiplier.

This returns the mat44 product of the a and bT.

round(a, sigfigs)


round( a, sigfigs ) rounds every element of a mat44 to some number of decimal places.

a is the mat44 to round.

sigfigs is an integer on [0,15] of the number of decimal places to round to.

This returns a mat44 which is the result of rounding a.



row0( a ) selects the first row of a mat44.

a is the mat44 to take the first row of.

This returns a vec4 representing the first row of a.



row1( a ) selects the second row of a mat44.

a is the mat44 to take the second row of.

This returns a vec4 representing the second row of a.



row2( a ) selects the third row of a mat44.

a is the mat44 to take the third row of.

This returns a vec4 representing the third row of a.



row3( a ) selects the fourth row of a mat44.

a is the mat44 to take the fourth row of.

This returns a vec4 representing the fourth row of a.

scale(a, k)


scale( a, k ) scales every element in a mat44 by a coefficient k.

a is the mat44 to scale.

k is the float to scale by.

This returns a mat44 a scaled element-wise by k.

subtract(a, b)


subtract(a,b) subtracts one mat44 from another mat44.

a is the minuend.

b is the subtraherd.

This returns a mat44 formed by the element-wise subtraction of b from a.

transform_point(a, v)


transform_point( a, v ) transforms a vec3 point by a mat44.

a is a mat44 used to transform the point.

v is a vec3 to be transformed.

This returns a vec3 representing the application of a to v.

The point a is internally treated as having a fourth coordinate equal to 1.0.

Note that transforming a point will work for all transforms.

transform_vector(a, v)


transform_vector( a, v ) transforms a vec3 vector by a mat44.

a is a mat44 used to transform the point.

v is a vec3 to be transformed.

This returns a vec3 representing the application of a to v.

The point a is internally treated as having a fourth coordinate equal to 0.0.

Note that transforming a vector will work for only rotations, scales, and shears.



zero() creates a zeroed mat44.

This returns a zeroed mat44.