View Source GraphQLDocument.Field (GraphQLDocument v0.2.2)

A Field describes one discrete piece of information available to request within a selection set.

Scalar fields (e.g. Ints, Booleans, and Strings) are requested by their name.


Whereas object fields must be given with child fields as well.

  user: [:name, email]

Link to this section Summary


An expression of a field with an alias or directives.


Fields can be expressed a number of different ways.


Allows you to specify a complex Field expression with Arguments, Directives, Selections, and an Alias.

Returns a Field as iodata to be inserted into a Document.

Link to this section Types

@type spec() ::
   as: atom(),
   args: [GraphQLDocument.Argument.t()],
   directives: [GraphQLDocument.Directive.t()],
   select: [GraphQLDocument.Selection.t()]}

An expression of a field with an alias or directives.

Fields can be expressed a number of different ways.

If the field is a scalar type, provide a String or Atom:

[:id, :firstName, :lastName]

If the field is an object type, express it as a keyword list with either [fields] or {args, fields} as the value of each key:

  friends: {[first: 10], [:name]}, # with args
  birthday: [:month, :day], # with sub-fields, but no args

See render/2 for examples of how different Elixir expressions are rendered as GraphQL syntax.

Link to this section Functions

Allows you to specify a complex Field expression with Arguments, Directives, Selections, and an Alias.

Link to this function

render(field, indent_level)

View Source
@spec render(t(), pos_integer()) :: iolist()

Returns a Field as iodata to be inserted into a Document.



iex> render(:email, 1)
...> |> IO.iodata_to_binary()

iex> render({:self, [:name, :email]}, 1)
...> |> IO.iodata_to_binary()
self {

iex> {:user, {:field,
...>   args: [id: 100],
...>   select: [:name, :email]
...> }}
...> |> render(1)
...> |> IO.iodata_to_binary()
user(id: 100) {

iex> {:user, {:field,
...>   args: [id: 100],
...>   directives: [log: [level: "warn"]],
...>   select: [:name, :email]
...> }}
...> |> render(1)
...> |> IO.iodata_to_binary()
user(id: 100) @log(level: "warn") {

iex> {:me, {:field,
...>   :user,
...>   args: [id: 100],
...>   directives: [log: [level: "warn"]],
...>   select: [:name, :email]
...> }}
...> |> render(1)
...> |> IO.iodata_to_binary()
me: user(id: 100) @log(level: "warn") {