Graphvix.DotHelpers (graphvix v1.1.0)

This module contains a set of helper methods for converting Elixir graph data into its DOT representation.

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Convert a single atribute to DOT format for inclusion in a list of attributes.

Converts a list of attributes into a properly formatted list of DOT attributes.

Removes all nil elements from an list.

Maps a collection of vertices or nodes to their correct DOT format.

Convert top-level node and edge properties for a graph or subgraph into correct DOT notation.

Indent a single line or block of text.

Returns nil if an empty list is passed in. Returns the elements of the list joined by the optional second parameter (defaults to otherwise.

Takes a list of elements returned from the vertex or edge table and sorts them by their ID.

Link to this section Functions

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attribute_to_dot(key, value)

Convert a single atribute to DOT format for inclusion in a list of attributes.



iex> DotHelpers.attribute_to_dot(:color, "blue")

There is one special case this function handles, which is the label for a record using HTML to build a table. In this case the generated HTML label must be surrounded by a set of angle brackets < ... > instead of double quotes.

iex> DotHelpers.attribute_to_dot(:label, "<table></table>")
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Converts a list of attributes into a properly formatted list of DOT attributes.



iex> DotHelpers.attributes_to_dot(color: "blue", shape: "circle")

Removes all nil elements from an list.



iex> DotHelpers.compact([])

iex> DotHelpers.compact(["a", nil, "b", nil, 1])
["a", "b", 1]
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elements_to_dot(table, formatting_func)

Maps a collection of vertices or nodes to their correct DOT format.

The first argument is a reference to an ETS table or the list of results from an ETS table. The second argument is the function used to format each element in the collection.

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Convert top-level node and edge properties for a graph or subgraph into correct DOT notation.



iex> graph = [color: "green", style: "dotted"], node: [color: "blue"])
iex> DotHelpers.global_properties_to_dot(graph)
~S(  node [color="blue"]
  edge [color="green",style="dotted"])
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indent(string, depth \\ 1)

Indent a single line or block of text.

An optional second argument can be provided to tell the function how deep to indent (defaults to one level).



iex> DotHelpers.indent("hello")
"  hello"

iex> DotHelpers.indent("hello", 3)
"      hello"

iex> DotHelpers.indent("line one\n  line two\nline three")
"  line one\n    line two\n  line three"
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return_joined_list_or_nil(list, joiner \\ "\n")

Returns nil if an empty list is passed in. Returns the elements of the list joined by the optional second parameter (defaults to otherwise.



iex> DotHelpers.return_joined_list_or_nil([])

iex> DotHelpers.return_joined_list_or_nil([], "-")

iex> DotHelpers.return_joined_list_or_nil(["a", "b", "c"])

iex> DotHelpers.return_joined_list_or_nil(["a", "b", "c"], "-")
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Takes a list of elements returned from the vertex or edge table and sorts them by their ID.

This ensures that vertices and edges are written into the .dot file in the same order they were added to the ETS tables. This is important as the order of vertices and edges in a .dot file can ultimately affect the final layout of the graph.