View Source Gringotts.CreditCard (gringotts v1.1.1)

Defines a struct for (credit) cards and some utilities.

Link to this section Summary



Represents a Credit Card.


Returns the full name of the card holder.

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: %Gringotts.CreditCard{
  brand: String.t(),
  first_name: String.t(),
  last_name: String.t(),
  month: 1..12,
  number: String.t(),
  verification_code: String.t(),
  year: non_neg_integer()

Represents a Credit Card.

numberstringThe card number.
monthintegerMonth of expiry (a number in the 1..12 range).
yearintegerYear of expiry.
first_namestringFirst name of the card holder (as on card).
last_namestringLast name of the card holder (as on card).
verification_codestringThe Card Verification Code, usually a 3-4 digit number on the back of the card.
brandstringThe brand name of the card network (in some cases also the card issuer) in UPPERCASE. Some popular card networks are Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Diner's Club etc.

Link to this section Functions

@spec full_name(t()) :: String.t()

Returns the full name of the card holder.

Joins first_name and last_name with a space in between.