View Source Gringotts.Gateways.Cams (gringotts v1.1.1)

CAMS gateway implementation.

CAMS provides a sandbox account with documentation under the integration tab. The login credentials are:


The video tutorials (on vimeo) are excellent.

The following features of CAMS are implemented:



The opts argument

Most Gringotts API calls accept an optional keyword list opts to supply optional arguments for transactions with the CAMS gateway. The following keys are supported:

billing_addressmapThe address of the customer
order_idString.tMerchant provided identifier
descriptionString.tMerchant provided description of the transaction

CAMS supports more optional keys and you can raise an issue if this is important to you.



  • billing_address is a map from atoms to String.t, and can include any of the keys from: :name, :address1, :address2, :company, :city, :state, :zip, :country, :phone, :fax]


Registering your CAMS account at Gringotts

Config parameterCAMS secret

Your Application config must include the :username, :password fields and would look something like this:

config :gringotts, Gringotts.Gateways.Cams,
    username: "your_secret_user_name",
    password: "your_secret_password",


Scope of this module

  • CAMS does not process money in cents.
  • Although CAMS supports payments from electronic check & various cards this module only accepts payments via VISA, MASTER, AMERICAN EXPRESS and DISCOVER.


Supported countries



Supported currencies



Following the examples

  1. First, set up a sample application and configure it to work with CAMS.
  • You could do that from scratch by following our Getting Started guide.
  • To save you time, we recommend cloning our example that gives you a pre-configured sample app ready-to-go.
    • You could use the same config or update it the with your "secrets" that you get after registering with CAMS.
  1. To save a lot of time, create a .iex.exs file as shown in this gist to introduce a set of handy bindings and aliases.

We'll be using these bindings in the examples below.


Integrating with phoenix

Refer the GringottsPay website for an example of how to integrate CAMS with phoenix. The source is available here.



  • Operations using Credit Card

    • Credit
  • Operations using electronic checks

    • Sale
    • Void
    • Refund

Link to this section Summary


Performs a (pre) Authorize operation.

Captures a pre-authorized amount.

Transfers amount from the customer to the merchant.

Refunds the amount to the customer's account with reference to a prior transfer.

Validates the card

Catches gateway configuration errors.

Voids the referenced payment.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

authorize(money, card, options)

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@spec authorize(Gringotts.Money.t(), Gringotts.CreditCard.t(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok | :error, Gringotts.Response.t()}

Performs a (pre) Authorize operation.

The authorization validates the card details with the banking network, places a hold on the transaction amount in the customer’s issuing bank and also triggers risk management. Funds are not transferred.

When followed up with a capture/3 transaction, funds will be transferred to the merchant's account upon settlement.

CAMS returns a Transaction ID (available in the Response.authorization field) which can be used later to:


Optional Fields

  order_id: String,
  description: String



The following example shows how one would (pre) authorize a payment of $20 on a sample card.

iex> card = %CreditCard{first_name: "Harry",
                        last_name: "Potter",
                        number: "4111111111111111",
                        year: 2099,
                        month: 12,
                        verification_code: "999",
                        brand: "VISA"}
iex> money =, :USD)
iex> {:ok, auth_result} = Gringotts.authorize(Gringotts.Gateways.Cams, money, card)
Link to this function

capture(money, transaction_id, options)

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@spec capture(Gringotts.Money.t(), String.t(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok | :error, Gringotts.Response.t()}

Captures a pre-authorized amount.

Captures can be submitted for an amount equal to or less than the originally authorized amount in an authorize/3ation referenced by transaction_id.

Partial captures are allowed, and the remaining amount is released back to the payment source (video).

Multiple, partial captures on the same authorization token are not supported.

CAMS returns a Transaction ID (available in the Response.authorization field) which can be used later to:



The following example shows how one would (partially) capture a previously authorized a payment worth $10 by referencing the obtained authorization id.

iex> card = %CreditCard{first_name: "Harry",
                        last_name: "Potter",
                        number: "4111111111111111",
                        year: 2099,
                        month: 12,
                        verification_code: "999",
                        brand: "VISA"}
iex> money =, :USD)
iex> authorization = auth_result.authorization
# authorization = "some_authorization_transaction_id"
iex> {:ok, capture_result} = Gringotts.capture(Gringotts.Gateways.Cams, money, authorization)
Link to this function

purchase(money, card, options)

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@spec purchase(Gringotts.Money.t(), Gringotts.CreditCard.t(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok | :error, Gringotts.Response.t()}

Transfers amount from the customer to the merchant.

CAMS attempts to process a purchase on behalf of the customer, by debiting amount from the customer's account by charging the customer's card.

Returns a Transaction ID (available in the Response.authorization field) which can be used later to:



The following example shows how one would process a payment worth $20 in one-shot, without (pre) authorization.

iex> card = %CreditCard{first_name: "Harry",
                        last_name: "Potter",
                        number: "4111111111111111",
                        year: 2099,
                        month: 12,
                        verification_code: "999",
                        brand: "VISA"}
iex> money =, :USD)
iex> Gringotts.purchase(Gringotts.Gateways.Cams, money, card)
Link to this function

refund(money, transaction_id, options)

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@spec refund(Gringotts.Money.t(), String.t(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok | :error, Gringotts.Response.t()}

Refunds the amount to the customer's account with reference to a prior transfer.

It's better to void/2 a transaction if it has not been settled yet! Refunds lead to to two entries on the customer's bank statement, one for the original purchase/3 or capture/3 and another for the refund/3.

Multiple, partial refunds on the same Transaction ID are allowed till all the captured amount is refunded.



The following example shows how one would completely refund a previous capture (and similarily for purchases).

iex> capture_id = capture_result.authorization
# capture_id = "some_capture_transaction_id"
iex> money =, :USD)
iex> Gringotts.refund(Gringotts.Gateways.Cams, money, capture_id)
@spec validate(
) :: {:ok | :error, Gringotts.Response.t()}

Validates the card

Verifies the credit card without authorizing any amount.



iex> card = %CreditCard{first_name: "Harry",
                        last_name: "Potter",
                        number: "4111111111111111",
                        year: 2099,
                        month: 12,
                        verification_code: "999",
                        brand: "VISA"}
iex> Gringotts.validate(Gringotts.Gateways.Cams, card)

Catches gateway configuration errors.

Raises a run-time ArgumentError if any of the required_config values is not available or missing from the Application config.

Link to this function

void(transaction_id, options)

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@spec void(
) :: {:ok | :error, Gringotts.Response.t()}

Voids the referenced payment.

Cancel a transaction referenced by transaction_id that is not settled yet. This will erase any entries from the customer's bank statement.

authorize/3 can be void/2ed to prevent captures.



The following example shows how one would void a previous (pre) authorization.

iex> auth_id =
# auth_id = "aome_authorisation_transaction_id"
iex> Gringotts.void(Gringotts.Gateways.Cams, auth_id)