GrovePi v0.6.1 GrovePi.Trigger behaviour View Source

The Trigger behaviour is used for implementing triggers for poller behaviors such as GrovePi.Sound and GrovePi.Button.

The triggers must implement two callbacks, init/1 and update/2.


The following is the implementation of GrovePi.Button.DefaultTrigger. Processes can subscribe to two events :released and :pressed.

defmodule GrovePi.Button.DefaultTrigger do
  @behaviour GrovePi.Trigger

  defmodule State do
    @moduledoc false
    defstruct value: 0

  def init(_) do
    {:ok, %State{}}

  def update(value, %{value: value} = state) do
    {:ok, state}

  def update(new_value, state) do
    {event(new_value), %{state | value: new_value}}

  defp event(0), do: :released
  defp event(1), do: :pressed

Link to this section Summary


The init callback that must return {:ok, state} or an error tuple

The update callback receives a new value and a trigger state and returns a tuple of {:event_name, new_state}

Link to this section Types

Link to this section Callbacks

Link to this callback init(args) View Source
init(args :: term()) :: {:ok, state()} | {:error, reason :: any()}

The init callback that must return {:ok, state} or an error tuple.

Link to this callback update(value, state) View Source
update(value :: any(), state()) :: {:ok, state()} | {event(), state()}

The update callback receives a new value and a trigger state and returns a tuple of {:event_name, new_state}.

If no event is needed to fire return {:ok, new_state}.