View Source GRPC.RPCError exception (grpc v0.6.0)

The RPC error raised in server side and got in client side.

# server side
raise GRPC.RPCError, status: :unknown # preferred
raise GRPC.RPCError, status: GRPC.Status.unknown, message: "error message"

# client side
{:error, error} = Your.Stub.unary_call(channel, request)

Error handling can be done with the is_rpc_error/2 guard.

Expanding on the code above, the first option is for the guard to be used in a cond or case, as follows:

cond do
  is_rpc_error(error, GRPC.Status.not_found()) ->

  is_rpc_error(error, GRPC.Status.out_of_range()) ->

  true ->

Another option is for the error handling to be written into a multi-clause function. In such case we must define module attributes for each of the errors we want because the functions in GRPC.Status can't be called directly inside the guard.


@not_found GRPC.Status.not_found()
@out_of_range GRPC.Status.out_of_range()

defp handle_error(error) when is_rpc_error(error, @not_found) do
  # not found

defp handle_error(error) when is_rpc_error(error, @out_of_range) do
  # out of range

defp handle_error(error) do
  # fallback

See GRPC.Status for more details on possible statuses.

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: %GRPC.RPCError{
  __exception__: true,
  message: String.t(),
  status: GRPC.Status.t()

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

exception(status, message)

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@spec exception(status :: GRPC.Status.t() | atom(), message :: String.t()) :: t()
Link to this macro

is_rpc_error(e, status)

View Source (macro)
@spec new(status :: atom()) :: t()