View Source GRPC.Server (grpc v0.6.0)

A gRPC server which handles requests by calling user-defined functions.

You should pass a GRPC.Service in when use the module:

defmodule Greeter.Service do
  use GRPC.Service, name: "ping"

  rpc :SayHello, Request, Reply
  rpc :SayGoodbye, stream(Request), stream(Reply)

defmodule Greeter.Server do
  use GRPC.Server, service: Greeter.Service

  def say_hello(request, _stream) do "Hello")

  def say_goodbye(request_enum, stream) do
    requests = request_enum, &(&1)
    GRPC.Server.send_reply(stream, reply1)
    GRPC.Server.send_reply(stream, reply2)

Your functions should accept a client request and a GRPC.Server.Stream. The request will be a Enumerable.t(created by Elixir's Stream) of requests if it's streaming. If a reply is streaming, you need to call send_reply/2 to send replies one by one instead of returning reply in the end.

Link to this section Summary


Send custom metadata(headers).

Set compressor to compress responses. An accepted compressor will be set if clients use one, even if set_compressor is not called. But this can be called to override the chosen.

Set custom metadata(headers).

Set custom trailers, which will be sent in the end.

DEPRECATED. Use send_reply/3 instead

Link to this section Types

@type rpc() :: (rpc_req(), GRPC.Server.Stream.t() -> rpc_return())
@type rpc_req() :: struct() | Enumerable.t()
@type rpc_return() :: struct() | any()

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

send_headers(stream, headers)

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@spec send_headers(GRPC.Server.Stream.t(), map()) :: GRPC.Server.Stream.t()

Send custom metadata(headers).

You can send headers only once, before that you can set headers using set_headers/2.

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send_reply(stream, reply, opts \\ [])

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Send streaming reply.



iex> GRPC.Server.send_reply(stream, reply)
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set_compressor(stream, compressor)

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@spec set_compressor(GRPC.Server.Stream.t(), module()) :: GRPC.Server.Stream.t()

Set compressor to compress responses. An accepted compressor will be set if clients use one, even if set_compressor is not called. But this can be called to override the chosen.

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set_headers(stream, headers)

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@spec set_headers(GRPC.Server.Stream.t(), map()) :: GRPC.Server.Stream.t()

Set custom metadata(headers).

You can set headers more than once.

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set_trailers(stream, trailers)

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@spec set_trailers(GRPC.Server.Stream.t(), map()) :: GRPC.Server.Stream.t()

Set custom trailers, which will be sent in the end.

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stream_send(stream, reply)

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This function is deprecated. Use send_reply/3 instead.

DEPRECATED. Use send_reply/3 instead