View Source GRPC.Server.Adapters.Cowboy (grpc v0.9.0)

A server (b:GRPC.Server.Adapter) adapter using :cowboy.

Cowboy requests will be stored in the :payload field of the GRPC.Server.Stream.



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child_spec(endpoint, servers, port, opts)

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@spec child_spec(
  %{required(String.t()) => [module()]},
) ::

Return a child_spec to start server. See GRPC.Server.Adapters.Cowboy.start/4 for a list of supported options.

@spec read_body(GRPC.Server.Adapter.state()) :: {:ok, binary()}
@spec reading_stream(GRPC.Server.Adapter.state()) :: Enumerable.t()
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send_trailers(map, trailers)

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set_compressor(map, compressor)

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set_headers(map, headers)

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set_resp_trailers(map, trailers)

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start(endpoint, servers, port, opts)

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Starts a Cowboy server. Only used in starting a server manually using GRPC.Server.start(servers). Otherwise GRPC.Server.Adapters.Cowboy.child_spec/4 is used.

The available options below are a subset of ranch_tcp's options.


  • :net - If using :inet (IPv4 only - the default) or :inet6 (IPv6)
  • :ip - The IP to bind the server to. Must be either a tuple in the format {a, b, c, d} with each value in 0..255 for IPv4, or a tuple in the format {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h} with each value in 0..65535 for IPv6, or a tuple in the format {:local, path} for a unix socket at the given path. If both :net and :ip options are given, make sure they are compatible (i.e. give a IPv4 for :inet and IPv6 for :inet6). The default is to listen on all interfaces.
  • :ipv6_v6only - If true, only bind on IPv6 addresses (default: false).
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start_link(scheme, endpoint, servers, arg)

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@spec start_link(atom(), atom(), %{required(String.t()) => [module()]}, any()) ::
  {:ok, pid()} | {:error, any()}