View Source Gumroad.Client behaviour (gumroad_elixir v0.1.2)

Defines a behaviour of a client that can be used for performing actions against a Gumroad implementation.

Two implementations are provided:

  • Gumroad.Client.Live - Default client used in production. This one connects to the Gumroad API.
  • Gumroad.Client.Mock - Client to be used in tests. This returns canned responses without making requests to the Gurmoad API.

You can configure your application to use either of these implementation by setting the :gumroad_elixir, :client config property:

# In test mode, you'd probably want to use the Mock implementation
# config/test.exs
config :gumroad_elixir, :client, Gumroad.Client.Mock

# In prod, you should use the Live implementation (which is the default)
# config/prod.exs
config :gumroad_elixir, :client, Gumroad.Client.Live



Subscribe to a resource.

Retrieve the details of a product.

Retrieve all of the existing products.

Retrieve all active subscriptions for the given resource name.

Retrieve a sale by its ID.

Retrieves all of the successful sales by the authenticated user.

Retrieve a subscriber by their ID.

Retrieve the subscribers of the given product.


@type get_sales_params() :: %{
  after: String.t() | nil,
  before: String.t() | nil,
  product_id: String.t() | nil,
  email: String.t() | nil,
  order_id: String.t() | nil,
  page: number()


Link to this callback


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@callback create_resource_subscription(
  params :: Gumroad.ResourceSubscription.create_params()
) ::
  {:ok, Gumroad.ResourceSubscription.t()} | {:error, Gumroad.Error.t()}

Subscribe to a resource.

Valid resource names are:

  • sale
  • refund
  • dispute
  • dispute_won
  • cancellation
  • subscription_updated
  • subscription_ended
  • subscription_restarted


When using Gumroad.Client.Live, this will call the Gumroad API at PUT /resource_subscriptions.

Link to this callback


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@callback delete_resource_subscription(resource_subscription_id :: String.t()) ::
  {:ok} | {:error, Gumroad.Error.t()}

Unsubscribe from a resource.


When using Gumroad.Client.Live, this will call the Gumroad API at DELETE /resource_subscriptions/:resource_subscription_id.

@callback get_product(product_id :: String.t()) ::
  {:ok, Gumroad.Product.t()} | {:error, Gumroad.Error.t()}

Retrieve the details of a product.


When using Gumroad.Client.Live, this will call the Gumroad API at GET /products/:id.

@callback get_products() :: {:ok, [Gumroad.Product.t()]} | {:error, Gumroad.Error.t()}

Retrieve all of the existing products.


When using Gumroad.Client.Live, this will call the Gumroad API at GET /products.

Link to this callback


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@callback get_resource_subscriptions(resource_name :: String.t()) ::
  {:ok, [Gumroad.ResourceSubscription.t()]} | {:error, Gumroad.Error.t()}

Retrieve all active subscriptions for the given resource name.

Valid resource names are:

  • sale
  • refund
  • dispute
  • dispute_won
  • cancellation
  • subscription_updated
  • subscription_ended
  • subscription_restarted


When using Gumroad.Client.Live, this will call the Gumroad API at GET /resource_subscriptions.

@callback get_sale(sale_id :: String.t()) ::
  {:ok, Gumroad.Sale.t()} | {:error, Gumroad.Error.t()}

Retrieve a sale by its ID.


When using Gumroad.Client.Live, this will call the Gumroad API at GET /sales/:id.

@callback get_sales(params :: get_sales_params()) ::
  {:ok, [Gumroad.Sale.t()]} | {:error, Gumroad.Error.t()}

Retrieves all of the successful sales by the authenticated user.


  • after (optional, date in form YYYY-MM-DD) - Only return sales after this date
  • before (optional, date in form YYYY-MM-DD) - Only return sales before this date
  • product_id (optional) - Filter sales by this product
  • email (optional) - Filter sales by this email
  • order_id (optional) - Filter sales by this Order ID
  • page (number) - Return this page of results


When using Gumroad.Client.Live, this will call the Gumroad API at GET /sales.

Link to this callback


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@callback get_subscriber(subscriber_id :: String.t()) ::
  {:ok, Gumroad.Subscriber.t()} | {:error, Gumroad.Error.t()}

Retrieve a subscriber by their ID.


When using Gumroad.Client.Live, this will call the Gumroad API at GET /subscribers/:id.

Link to this callback


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@callback get_subscribers(product_id :: String.t()) ::
  {:ok, [Gumroad.Subscriber.t()]} | {:error, Gumroad.Error.t()}

Retrieve the subscribers of the given product.


When using Gumroad.Client.Live, this will call the Gumroad API at GET /products/:product_id/subcribers.