Module hackney_http

HTTP parser in pure Erlang This parser is able to parse HTTP responses and requests in a streaming fashion.


HTTP parser in pure Erlang This parser is able to parse HTTP responses and requests in a streaming fashion. If not set it will be autodetect the type of binary parsed, if it's a request or a response.

Internally it is keeping a buffer for intermediary steps but don't keep any state in memory.

The first time you initialise a parser using hackney_http:parser/0 or hackney_http:parser/1 you will receive an opaque record You can then process it using the function hackney_http:execute/2.

Each steps will return the status, some data and the new parser that you can process later with hackney_http:execute/2 when {more, ...} is returnned or hackney_http:execute/1 in other cases:

- {response, http_version(), status(), http_reason(), parser()}: when the first line of a response is parsed - {request, http_version(), http_method(), uri(), parser()}: when the first line of a request (on servers) is parsed - {more, parser()}: when the parser need more data. The new data should be passed to hackney_http:execute/2 with the new parser() state received. - {header, {Name :: binary(), Value :: binary()}, parser()}: when an header has been parsed. To continue the parsing you must call the given parser() with hackney_http:execute/1. - {headers_complete, parser()} : when all headers have been parsed. To continue the parsing you must call the given parser() state with hackney_http:execute/1. - {more, parser(), binary()}: on body, when the parser need more data. The new data should be passed to hackney_http:execute/2 (with parser() ) when received. The binary at the end of the tuple correspond to the actual buffer of the parser. It may be used for other purpose, like start to parse a new request on pipeline connections, for a proxy... - {ok, binary(), parser()}: on body, when a chunk has been parsed. To continue the parsing you must call hackney_http:execute/1 with the given parser(). - {done, binary()}: when the parsing is done. The binary given correpond to the non parsed part of the internal buffer. - {error, term{}}: when an error happen

Data Types


body_result() = {more, parser(), binary()} | {ok, binary(), parser()} | {done, binary()}


http_method() = binary()


http_reason() = binary()


http_version() = {integer(), integer()}


abstract datatype: parser()


parser_option() = request | response | auto | {max_empty_lines, integer()} | {max_line_length, integer()}


parser_options() = [parser_option()]


parser_result() = {response, http_version(), status(), http_reason(), parser()} | {request, http_version(), http_method(), uri(), parser()} | {more, parser()} | body_result() | {error, term()}


status() = integer()


uri() = binary()

Function Index

execute/1Execute the parser with the current buffer.
execute/2Execute the parser with the new buffer.
get/2retrieve a parser property.
parser/0Create a new HTTP parser.
parser/1create a new HTTP parser with options.

Function Details


execute(Hparser::#hparser{}) -> parser_result()

Execute the parser with the current buffer.


execute(Hparser::#hparser{}, Bin::binary()) -> parser_result()

Execute the parser with the new buffer


get(Parser::parser(), Props::atom() | [atom()]) -> any()

retrieve a parser property. Properties are: - buffer: internal buffer of the parser (non parsed) - state: the current state (on_status, on_header, on_body, done) - version: HTTP version - content_length: content length header if any - transfer_encoding: transfer encoding header if any - content_type: content type header if any - location: location header if any - connection: connection header if any.


parse_response_version(X1, St) -> any()


parser() -> parser()

Create a new HTTP parser. The parser will autodetect if the parded binary is a response or a request.


parser(Options::parser_options()) -> parser()

create a new HTTP parser with options. By default the type of parsed binary will be detected.

Available options:

Generated by EDoc, Nov 3 2015, 13:54:23.