
You're seeing just the function pay, go back to Handkit.Wallet module for more information.


pay(Handkit.Connect.t(), map()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}

Constructs and executes a transaction on behalf of the connected user.

Payment parameters

The payment parameters are a map containing the following keys:

  • :app_action - string used for transaction labeling and notification grouping
  • :description - max 25 character note describing the transaction
  • :payments - list of payment recipients
  • :attachment - parameters for a single data attachment output

Each payment recipient is a map containing the following keys:

  • :to - recipient Handcash handle, paymail address or P2PKH Bitcoin address
  • :currency_code - recipient payment currency code
  • :amount - value of the payment measured in units of the specified currency code

If provided, the attachment parameters is a map containing the following keys:

  • :format - format of the data from "base64", "hex", "hexArray" or "json"
  • :value - data value of the attachment in the specified format


iex> payment_params = %{
...>   app_action: "test",
...>   attachment: %{
...>     format: "json",
...>     value: %{foo: "testing"}
...>   },
...>   description: "testing testing...",
...>   payments: [%{
...>     amount: 5,
...>     currency_code: "DUR",
...>     to: "Libs"
...>   }]
...> }
iex> Handkit.Wallet.pay(client, payment_params)
{:ok, %{
  "app_action" => "test",
  "attachments" => [%{"format" => "json", "value" => %{"foo" => "testing"}}],
  "fiat_currency_code" => "GBP",
  "fiat_exchange_rate" => 115.93006376003423,
  "note" => "testing testing...",
  "participants" => [
      "alias" => "Libs",
      "amount" => 2500,
      "display_name" => "Libitx",
      "profile_picture_url" => "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8c69771156957d453f9b74f9d57a523c?d=identicon",
      "response_note" => "",
      "type" => "user"
  "raw_transaction_hex" => "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",
  "satoshi_amount" => 2500,
  "satoshi_fees" => 128,
  "time" => 1624025595,
  "transaction_id" => "5a139f3f475f48001d733c8c767fa7124bb2835d927e01dd2782effd22f7081b",
  "type" => "send"