hash_color_avatar v0.1.0 HashColorAvatar

This is a small library to generate SVG initial avatar with unique-ish color based on string hash.

The primary feature is to generate on the fly SVG for default avatar. The user can get unique avatar (to certain degree) based on his name innitial and the unique color generated by hashing its name. Please be noted that of couse same name will resulting to the same image. And eventhough there are thousands of color exist, we choose to make the saturation fix so there can only be 359 possible color.

Another function will be quite useful as well such as random_color/1, will give you nice pastel random color which you can use as background or anything.

set_color/2 can be used to make color by specifying the hue value.

Function to Generate Initial from name, gen_initial/1 can also be used independently.

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Given some string, this function will generate SVG avatar. The main feature is the micro hasing function. Which means th ecolor given for "Frank Abraham" will be different for "Foreman Abdul" even though they both have same initials

This function generate initial from any given name. If more than 2 word given it will take initial first and last word. It will try to ignore other character

This function will convert HSV map to RGB map

Will generate random color in hex

This function will convert RGB to hex

This function will convert RGB to hex

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gen_avatar(rawtext, options \\ [])

Given some string, this function will generate SVG avatar. The main feature is the micro hasing function. Which means th ecolor given for "Frank Abraham" will be different for "Foreman Abdul" even though they both have same initials.


iex> HashColorAvatar.gen_avatar("")
'<svg width="100" height="100"><circle cx="50.0" cy="50.0" r="50.0" stroke="white" stroke-width="4" fill="pastel" /><text fill="white" x="50%" y="67%" text-anchor="middle" style="font: bold 41.66666666666667px sans-serif;" >VK</text></circle></svg>'


:color can be used to specify background color. By default it will generate hash based on the text given. It will be unique-ish since there are only 359 possible color and there's a chance it looks similar one amongst the other. For the value you can choose "random", any color code recognized by CSS such as "teal", "tomato", also it accept hex code.

:shape by default is circle. You can also choose "rect" for rectangle avatar.

:size You can define how many pixel height and width. Default is 100


iex> HashColorAvatar.gen_avatar("Samantha Johnson Abigail", [color: "tomato", shape: "rect", size: 200])
'<svg width="200" height="200"><rect width="200" height="200" fill="tomato" /><text fill="white" x="50%" y="65%" text-anchor="middle" style="font: bold 83.33333333333334px sans-serif;" >SA</text></circle></svg>'
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This function generate initial from any given name. If more than 2 word given it will take initial first and last word. It will try to ignore other character.


iex> HashColorAvatar.get_initial("sujiwo tedjo")

iex> HashColorAvatar.get_initial("guruh soekarno putra")
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This function will convert HSV map to RGB map.


iex> HashColorAvatar.hsv_to_rgb(%{hue: 17, saturation: 50, value: 90})
%{blue: 114, green: 147, red: 229}     
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random_color(options \\ [])

Will generate random color in hex.


This color is generated by randomizing HSV (Hue Saturation Value) with default Saturation is set to 50 and Value set to 90. ``` iex> HashColorAvatar.random_color([saturation: 70, value: 100])

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This function will convert RGB to hex.


iex> HashColorAvatar.rgb_to_hex(%{red: 12, green: 23, blue: 43})

iex> HashColorAvatar.rgb_to_hex(%{red: 121, green: 13, blue: 203})
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set_color(hue_value, options \\ [])

This function will convert RGB to hex.


iex> HashColorAvatar.set_color(12)

Option also applied

iex> HashColorAvatar.set_color(12, [saturation: 70, value: 80])