View Source Hex.Solver (Hex v2.0.6)

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Parses or converts a SemVer version or Elixir version requirement to an internal solver constraint that can be returned by the Hex.Solver.Registry or passed to

Parses or converts a SemVer version or Elixir version requirement to an internal solver constraint that can be returned by the Hex.Solver.Registry or passed to

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@opaque constraint()
@type dependency() :: %{
  repo: repo(),
  name: package(),
  constraint: constraint(),
  optional: optional(),
  label: label()
@type label() :: String.t()
@type locked() :: %{
  repo: repo(),
  name: package(),
  version: Version.t(),
  label: label()
@type optional() :: boolean()
@type package() :: String.t()
@type repo() :: String.t() | nil
@type result() :: %{required(package()) => {Version.t(), repo()}}

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@spec parse_constraint(String.t() | Version.t() | Version.Requirement.t()) ::
  {:ok, constraint()} | :error

Parses or converts a SemVer version or Elixir version requirement to an internal solver constraint that can be returned by the Hex.Solver.Registry or passed to

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@spec parse_constraint!(String.t() | Version.t() | Version.Requirement.t()) ::

Parses or converts a SemVer version or Elixir version requirement to an internal solver constraint that can be returned by the Hex.Solver.Registry or passed to

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run(registry, dependencies, locked, overrides, opts \\ [])

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@spec run(module(), [dependency()], [locked()], [label()], [{:ansi, boolean()}]) ::
  {:ok, result()} | {:error, String.t()}

Runs the version solver.

Takes a Hex.Solver.Registry implementation, a list of root dependencies, a list of locked package versions, and a list of packages that are overridden by the root dependencies.

Locked dependencies are treated as optional dependencies with a single version as their constraint.

The overrides are a set of labels. If a dependency with a matching label is declared the solver will ignore that dependency unless it's a root dependency.

Returns a map of packages and their selected versions or a human readable explanation of why a solution could not be found.



  • :ansi - If true adds ANSI formatting to the failure message (Default: false)